Transition Services
The Goal of Transition Services is to provide learners and families with information to aid in the transition from school to desired post-school outcomes, whether in the workforce, college, or other avenues. The Transition Services team at Central York is committed to providing high-quality academic experiences within a supportive, valued, collaborative community that promotes students' personal growth and the pursuit of their passions and interests.
Mrs. Shelley Warfield
Transition Coordinator
What is Secondary Transition?
Local Agencies
The following local agencies offer a variety of support services and assistance based on various needs for individuals with disabilities including transition services.
Preparing All Panthers for the Future
Post-secondary Education and Training
The Transition Services program at Central York includes preparing students for continuing education.
Local College Disability Services contact information includes:
- HACC York Campus
Anessa Deppenr
Disability Service Coordinator
717-801-2376 |
- Penn State York Campus
Peggy Violette
Disability Contact Liaison
717-771-4013 |
- York College of Pennsylvania
Linda Miller
Director of Student Accessibility Services
717-815-1785 |
- Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology
Debra Schuch
Disability Services Coordinator
717-299-7408 |
- Millersville University
Dr. Sherlynn Bessick
717-871-5554 |
Students involved in Transition Services will receive hands-on training and employment exposure opportunities through a variety of experiences including:
- Career Development Classes
- Learners Prep for Success
- Career and Technical Education
- York County School of Technology
- Unpaid Work Experiences
- SpiriTrust Lutheran
- Central York School District Food Services
- Paid Work Experiences (WBLE)
- Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) Resources
- Job Coaching Services
- Job Shadowing
- Employee Partnerships
Independent Living
Independent living includes the skills and knowledge an individual needs to direct his or her life at home and in the community. The program incorporates learning experiences such as:
- Independent Living Skills Development
- Planning for the Future Living Arrangements
- Travel and Transportation Skills
- Recreation and Leisure Activities
- Community Based Experiences
- Civil Engagements
- Mental Health Supports
Other Resources
Pennsylvania Secondary Transition Planning
Transition Assessment and Goal Generator Assessment Suite
Pennsylvania Career Guide
QuickBook of Transition Assessments
Pennsylvania Department of Health