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Gifted (Enrichment and Acceleration)

Central York School District’s program for the education of gifted learners is designed to meet the needs of ALL learners exhibiting intellectual, social-emotional, and creative ability. Opportunities for acceleration or enrichment, or both, a provided to learners who are gifted in compliance with the regulations set forth in Chapter 16 (22 Pa. Code Chapter 16). 



Mrs. Elizabeth Mason
Director of Special Education

Mrs. Brittany Baker
Special Education Supervisor

Mrs. Natasha Weaver
Enrichment/Acceleration Specialist
Hayshire, Roundtown, and Stonybrook Elementary

Mrs. Katie Sechrist
Enrichment/Acceleration Specialist
North Hills and Sinking Springs Elementary

Mrs. Jenn Eisenhart
Enrichment/Acceleration Specialist
Central York Middle School

Dr. Stacey Seitz
Enrichment/Acceleration Specialist
Central York High School