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Emergency Reunification with Guardians

One critical aspect of emergency response planning is the reunification of students with their guardians in the event of a school crisis or emergency.  The Central York Emergency Operations Plan includes detailed plans to prepare and achieve successful reunification in the event of an emergency. 

Key aspects include: 

  • The safety of our students is always our top priority. A formalized and controlled student release process is sometimes necessary based on our student's best interest and/or advisement from local authorities. 
  • Reunification may occur at a different location than the school a student attends. Each situation is unique and may require an altered response. 
  • Initial communication and up-to-date information will be shared through the District's mass call system, website, and social media accounts. In order to receive prompt communication, it is important that ALL parents and guardians update their student emergency contact information in the Skyward Family Access center throughout the course of the school year when changes to contact information occurs. 
  • When arriving at the designated reunification site, parents and guardians must: 
    • Check in with school officials at a station based on the child(ren)'s last name. 
    • Provide a valid source of identification so that information provided matches information on the student's emergency contact information. 

In the event that it is necessary for the District to reunify students and guardians, unless directed, please do not attempt to travel to the child's school.


Steve Butler
Director of Safety and Security