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Summer Food Program

children sitting together eating lunch

Central York School District is proud to offer the USDA's Summer Food Program

The lunches will take place at Hayshire Elementary, Stony Brook Elementary, and North Hills Elementary Schools between June 10, 2024, and August 8, 2024. Lunches are served Monday through Thursday from 12PM-1PM. Any child age eighteen and under is welcome to attend and receive a nutritious meal. Adults can purchase a meal for $5. The Summer Food Service Program is a federally funded, state-administered initiative that reimburses the District for serving no-cost healthy meals to children and teens.

Dates and Locations

Mondays through Thursdays from June 10 through August 8, 2024

Hayshire Elementary School
2801 Hayshire Drive
York, PA 17406
North Hills Elementary School
1330 North Hills Road
York, PA 17406
Stony Brook Elementary School
250 Silver Spur Drive
York, PA 17402

Program Flyer

First page of the PDF file: SummerFoodProgram2024-3

Meals are free for any child age eighteen and under. Adults can purchase a meal for $5.

Lunch Menus

Sun Bucks: A new program called Summer EBT, or “SUN Bucks,” has been authorized by a bipartisan U.S. Congress to provide food dollars to low-income families with school-aged children over the summer months. Learn more. 

Volunteer For The Summer Food Service Program

Volunteers are an essential part of running the Summer Food Service Program every year. Volunteers who are not students or staff within the District will need to provide up-to-date clearances to volunteer. Learn more about updating your clearances

Sign up to volunteer at any of the Summer Food Service Program Locations:

If you have any questions about volunteering, please contact Emily Stump at