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High School Honors English II and English II

Course Description

Having successfully completed English I or Honors English I, English II or Honors English II students will study literature from around the world. They will work towards answering the overarching question: How does great literature explore universal themes of human existence and reveal truths? The course includes units that focus on identity in a global society, empowering diverse voices through storytelling, and inspiring and persuading others. Within the course, students will explore an array of genres such as fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, and literary non-fiction. Throughout the semester, students will read and analyze texts,take part in discussions, hone grammar and vocabulary skills, write essays, analyze language through various texts, and deliver speeches. This course culminates with the Keystone Exam for Literature,which is a graduation requirement. This broad study prepares students for their experience in English III, Honors English III, or AP Language and Composition.

Course Big Ideas

  • Explore world texts
  • Analyze identity in a global society
  • Analyze and develop voice through storytelling Inspire others through persuasion
  • Hone vocabulary and grammar skills

Course Essential Questions

  • How does great literature explore universal themes of human existence and reveal truths?
  • How do authors commonly use writing and literature as a way to express their identity and create global connectedness?
  • How does the place a person is from and their personal experiences affect their voice and style in writing?
  • How are autobiographies and biographies an expression for writers to voice their thoughts and opinions and inspire change?
  • How can people use their voice to make a difference and change perspectives?
  • How can punctuation help to clarify meaning, avoid confusion, add style, and create tone in writing?
  • How can we use vocabulary to increase reading comprehension and improve writing style?

Course Competencies

  • Investigation
  • Analysis of perspectives
  • Analysis of errors
  • Comparison
  • Reasoning

Course Assessments

  • Cold-read assessments
  • Written responses
  • Class discussions
  • Quizzes
  • Persuasive Speeches
  • Unit project(s)
  • Keystone Exam

Course Units