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Spanish III

Course Description

Students will make significant strides in their study of the language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. They will greatly enhance their proficiency-based skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, enabling them to be well-prepared for university study.

Course Big Ideas

  • Students will be able to discuss nature and the environment.
  • Students will develop an understanding of urban living.
  • Students analyze components of healthy living.
  • Students will understand different facets of professions and the workplace.
  • Students will develop an appreciation for the different forms of art.
  • Students will become acquainted with current events and politics affecting our society.

Course Essential Questions

  • What are the best practices to preserve culture and natural resources?
  • How are cities and communities organized, and how does that impact our way of life?
  • What does it mean to be mentally and emotionally healthy and what factors affect our well-being?
  • How do people pursue a career and find jobs?
  • How does art represent personal expression, exploration, and/or insight, and what can we learn about a culture through its art forms?
  • How does the media shape events and what are the most serious challenges the world faces now?

Course Competencies

  • Read for understanding
  • Simple writing
  • Develop target language speaking skills
  • Active listening
  • Cultural comparisons

Course Assignments

  • VHL Central online resources
  • Teacher-generated formative and summative assessments

Course Units