Spanish III
Course Description
Students will make significant strides in their study of the language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. They will greatly enhance their proficiency-based skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, enabling them to be well-prepared for university study.
Course Big Ideas
- Students will be able to discuss nature and the environment.
- Students will develop an understanding of urban living.
- Students analyze components of healthy living.
- Students will understand different facets of professions and the workplace.
- Students will develop an appreciation for the different forms of art.
- Students will become acquainted with current events and politics affecting our society.
Course Essential Questions
- What are the best practices to preserve culture and natural resources?
- How are cities and communities organized, and how does that impact our way of life?
- What does it mean to be mentally and emotionally healthy and what factors affect our well-being?
- How do people pursue a career and find jobs?
- How does art represent personal expression, exploration, and/or insight, and what can we learn about a culture through its art forms?
- How does the media shape events and what are the most serious challenges the world faces now?
Course Competencies
- Read for understanding
- Simple writing
- Develop target language speaking skills
- Active listening
- Cultural comparisons
Course Assignments
- VHL Central online resources
- Teacher-generated formative and summative assessments
Course Units
- Preliminary Unit: Preliminar
- Unit 1: La Naturaleza
- Unit 2: En la Ciudad
- Unit 3: El Bienestar
- Unit 4: El Mundo del Trabajo
- Unit 5: Un Festival De Arte
- Unit 6: Las Actualidades
Preliminary Unit: Preliminar
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Assessments
- Vocabulary
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- ACTFL Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- ACTFL Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- ACTFL Communication 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
- ACTFL Cultures 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.
- ACTFL Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- ACTFL Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
- Preterite tense of regular verbs
- Preterite of ser and ir
- Irregular preterites
- Verbs that change meaning in the preterite
- Direct and indirect object pronouns
- Gustar and similar verbs
- Double object pronouns
- Imperfect tense
- Preterite and imperfect
- Construction with se
- Reciprocal reflexives
- Present subjunctive
- Relative pronouns
Understanding/Key Learning
Unit Essential Questions
Lesson Essential Questions
Unit 1: La Naturaleza
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Assessments
- Vocabulary
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- ACTFL Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- ACTFL Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- ACTFL Communication 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
- ACTFL Cultures 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.
- ACTFL Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- ACTFL Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
Understanding/Key Learning
Unit Essential Questions
- ¿Qué semejanzas y diferencias hay entre los recursos de los países hispanos y los de los Estados Unidos? ¿Y en relación con los problemas medioambientales?
- ¿Qué te preocupa de la situación actual del medio ambiente?
- ¿Cómo se protege la naturaleza de tu comunidad?
- ¿Tiene un buen sistema de reciclaje nuestra ciudad?
- ¿Qué hacen ustedes para reducir la contaminación del medio ambiente?
- ¿Cómo estamos afectados por la contaminación en nuestra región?
- a menos que
- alegrarse (de)
- el animal
- antes (de) que
- el árbol
- atrapar
- el ave, el pájaro
- el bosque (tropical)
- la cabra
- el calentamiento global
- el cambio climático
- cazar
- el cielo
- con tal (de) que
- la conservación
- conservar
- la contaminación (del aire; del agua)
- contaminar
- controlar
- el cráter
- (no) creer
- cuando
- cuidar
- de aluminio
- de plástico
- de verdad
- de vidrio
- la deforestación
- dejar de (+ inf.)
- desarrollar
- descubrir
- el desierto
- después de que
- destruir
- el disfraz
- disfrazarse de
- (no) dudar
- la ecología
- el/la ecologista
- ecologista
- el ecoturismo
- en caso (de) que
- en cuanto
- la energía (nuclear, solar)
- el envase
- (no) es cierto
- es extraño
- es imposible
- es improbable
- es obvio
- (no) es posible
- (no) es probable
- es ridículo
- (no) es seguro
- es terrible
- es triste
- es una lástima
- (no) es verdad
- esperar
- estar afectado/a (por)
- estar contaminado/a
- la estrella
- evitar
- la extinción
- la fábrica
- la flor
- el gato
- el gobierno
- hasta que
- la hierba
- el lago
- la lata
- la ley
- la luna
- el medio ambiente
- mejorar
- mojado/a
- la naturaleza
- (no) negar (e:ie)
- no cabe duda de
- no hay duda de
- la nube
- ojalá (que)
- el oso pardo
- para que
- el peligro
- el perro
- el pez (sing.), los peces (pl.)
- la piedra
- la planta
- la (sobre)población
- proteger
- puro/a
- el reciclaje
- reciclar
- recoger
- el recurso natural
- reducir
- relajante
- renovable
- resolver (o:ue)
- respirar
- el río
- la selva, la jungla
- la señal
- el sendero
- sentir (e:ie)
- sin que
- el sol
- la solución
- el sonido
- tan pronto como
- temer
- la tierra
- Tranquilos/as.
- la vaca
- el valle
- el volcán
- unless
- to be happy
- animal
- before
- tree
- to catch
- bird
- (tropical; rain) forest
- goat
- global warming
- climate change
- to hunt
- sky
- provided (that)
- conservation
- to conserve
- (air; water) pollution
- to pollute
- to control
- crater
- (not) to believe
- when
- to take care of
- (made) of aluminum
- (made) of plastic
- real
- (made) of glass
- deforestation
- to stop (doing something)
- to develop
- to discover
- desert
- after
- to destroy
- costume; disguise
- to dress up as
- (not) to doubt
- ecology
- ecologist
- ecological
- ecotourism
- in case (that)
- as soon as
- (nuclear, solar) energy
- container
- it’s (not) certain
- it’s strange
- it’s impossible
- it’s improbable
- it’s obvious
- it’s (not) possible
- it’s (not) probable
- it’s ridiculous
- it’s (not) certain
- it’s terrible
- it’s sad
- it’s a shame
- it’s (not) true
- to hope; to wish
- to be affected (by)
- to be polluted
- star
- to avoid
- extinction
- factory
- flower
- cat
- government
- until
- grass
- lake
- (tin) can
- law
- moon
- environment
- to improve
- wet
- nature
- (not) to deny
- there is no doubt that
- there is no doubt that
- cloud
- I hope (that); I wish (that)
- brown bear
- so that
- danger
- dog
- fish
- stone
- plant
- (over)population
- to protect
- pure
- recycling
- to recycle
- to pick up
- natural resource
- to reduce
- relaxing
- renewable
- to resolve; to solve
- to breathe
- river
- jungle
- signal
- trail; path
- to be sorry; to regret
- without
- sun
- solution
- sound
- as soon as
- to fear; to be afraid
- land; soil
- Relax.
- cow
- valley
- volcano
Unit 2: En la Ciudad
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Assessments
- Vocabulary
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- ACTFL Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- ACTFL Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- ACTFL Communication 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
- ACTFL Cultures 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.
- ACTFL Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- ACTFL Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
Understanding/Key Learning
Unit Essential Questions
Lesson Essential Questions
- ahorrar
- ¡Auxilio!
- el banco
- la caja
- el cajero automático
- la carnicería
- el cartero
- el cheque (de viajero)
- cobrar
- Con permiso.
- el correo
- cruzar
- la cuadra
- la cuenta corriente
- la cuenta de ahorros
- depositar
- derecho
- la dirección
- doblar
- echar (una carta) al buzón
- enfrente de
- enviar, mandar
- la esquina
- el estacionamiento
- la estampilla, el sello
- estar perdido/a
- (al) este
- firmar
- la floristería
- la frutería
- hacer cola
- hacer diligencias
- hacia
- la heladería
- indicar cómo llegar
- la joyería
- la lavandería
- el letrero
- llenar (un formulario)
- (al) norte
- (al) oeste
- pagar a plazos
- pagar al contado/en efectivo
- la panadería
- el paquete
- la pastelería
- pedir prestado/a
- pedir un préstamo
- la peluquería, el salón de belleza
- Perdón.
- la pescadería
- quedar
- respetar
- ser gratis
- el sobre
- el supermercado
- (al) sur
- tardar
- el teatro
- tener vergüenza
- la ventanilla
- la zapatería
- to save (money)
- Help!
- bank
- box
- butcher shop
- mail carrier
- (traveler’s) check
- to cash (a check)
- Excuse me. (to request permission)
- mail; post office
- to cross
- (city) block
- checking account
- savings account
- to deposit
- straight (ahead)
- address
- to turn
- to put (a letter) in the mailbox; to mail
- opposite; facing
- to send; to mail
- corner
- parking lot
- stamp
- to be lost
- (to the) east
- to sign
- florist’s shop
- fruit store
- to stand in line
- to run errands
- toward
- ice cream shop
- to give directions
- jewelry store
- laundromat
- sign
- to fill out (a form)
- (to the) north
- (to the) west
- to pay in installments
- to pay in cash
- bakery
- package
- pastry shop
- to borrow
- to apply for a loan
- beauty salon
- Excuse me (to get someone’s attention or excuse oneself)
- fish market
- to be located
- to respect
- to be free of charge
- envelope
- supermarket
- (to the) south
- to be late
- theater
- to be ashamed
- ticket window
- shoe store
Unit 3: El Bienestar
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Assessments
- Vocabulary
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- ACTFL Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- ACTFL Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- ACTFL Communication 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
- ACTFL Cultures 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.
- ACTFL Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- ACTFL Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
Understanding/Key Learning
Unit Essential Questions
Lesson Essential Questions
- activo/a
- adelgazar
- aliviar el estrés
- aliviar la tensión
- apurarse, darse prisa
- aumentar de peso, engordar
- la bebida alcohólica
- el bienestar
- la cafeína
- calentarse (e:ie)
- la caloría
- la chistorra
- la cinta caminadora
- la clase de ejercicios aeróbicos
- el colesterol
- comer una dieta equilibrada
- consumir alcohol
- débil
- descafeinado/a
- disfrutar (de)
- la droga
- el/la drogadicto/a
- en exceso
- el/la entrenador(a)
- entrenarse
- estar a dieta
- estar en buena forma
- la estera
- estirar
- exhalar
- flexible
- fuerte
- (no) fumar
- la grasa
- hacer ejercicio
- hacer ejercicios aeróbicos
- hacer ejercicios de estiramiento
- hacer gimnasia
- inhalar
- levantar pesas
- ligero/a
- llevar una vida sana
- mantenerse en forma
- el masaje
- la merienda
- el mineral
- el músculo
- ni siquiera
- la nutrición
- el/la nutricionista
- la proteína
- sedentario/a
- la sobrasada
- sudar
- sufrir muchas presiones
- el/la teleadicto/a
- tranquilo/a
- tratar de (+ inf.)
- la vitamina
- el zumo
- active
- to lose weight; to slim down
- to reduce stress
- to reduce tension
- to hurry; to rush
- to gain weight
- alcoholic beverage
- well-being
- caffeine
- to warm up
- calorie
- type of cured pork sausage
- treadmill
- aerobics class
- cholesterol
- to eat a balanced diet
- to consume alcohol
- weak
- decaffeinated
- to enjoy; to reap the benefits (of)
- drug
- drug addict
- in excess
- trainer
- to train
- to be on a diet
- to be in good shape
- mat
- to stretch
- to exhale
- flexible
- strong
- (not) to smoke
- fat
- to exercise
- to do aerobics
- to do stretching exercises
- to work out
- to inhale
- to lift weights
- light
- to lead a healthy lifestyle
- to stay in shape
- massage
- afternoon snack
- mineral
- muscle
- not even
- nutrition
- nutritionist
- protein
- sedentary
- spicy pork sausage
- to sweat
- to be under a lot of pressure
- couch potato
- calm; quiet
- to try (to do something)
- vitamin
- juice (in Spain)
Unit 4: El Mundo del Trabajo
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Assessments
- Vocabulary
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- ACTFL Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- ACTFL Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- ACTFL Communication 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
- ACTFL Cultures 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.
- ACTFL Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- ACTFL Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
Understanding/Key Learning
Unit Essential Questions
Lesson Essential Questions
- el/la abogado/a
- el actor, la actriz
- la agencia de publicidad
- el anuncio
- el/la arqueólogo/a
- el/la arquitecto/a
- el ascenso
- el/la aspirante
- el aumento de sueldo
- los beneficios
- el/la bombero/a
- el/la carpintero/a
- la carrera
- el/la científico/a
- el/la cocinero/a
- comercial
- la compañía, la empresa
- el/la consejero/a
- el/la contador(a)
- contratar
- el/la corredor(a) de bolsa
- el currículum
- de media jornada
- dejar
- dentro de (diez años)
- el despacho
- despedir (e:i)
- el despiste
- el/la diseñador(a)
- el/la ejecutivo/a
- el/la electricista
- el empleo
- en el futuro
- la entrevista
- el/la entrevistador(a)
- entrevistar
- especializarse
- felicitar
- fotógrafo/a
- ganar
- el/la gerente
- el hombre/la mujer de negocios
- interrumpir
- invertir (e:ie)
- el/la jefe/a
- el/la maestro/a
- los negocios
- obtener
- la ocupación
- el oficio
- la oportunidad
- el/la peluquero/a
- el/la pintor(a)
- el/la político/a
- la portera
- el porvenir
- la profesión
- próximo/a
- el/la psicólogo/a
- el puesto
- renunciar (a)
- el/la reportero/a
- la reunión
- el salario, el sueldo
- el/la secretario/a
- solicitar
- la solicitud (de trabajo)
- el/la técnico/a
- el teletrabajo
- tener éxito
- la torre
- el trabajo
- la videoconferencia
- lawyer
- actor
- ad agency
- advertisement
- archeologist
- architect
- promotion
- candidate; applicant
- raise
- benefits
- firefighter
- carpenter
- career
- scientist
- cook; chef
- commercial; business-related
- company; firm
- counselor; advisor
- accountant
- to hire
- stockbroker
- résumé
- part-time
- to quit; to leave behind
- within (ten years)
- office
- to fire
- mistake, slip
- designer
- executive
- electrician
- job; employment
- in the future
- interview
- interviewer
- to interview
- to specialize
- to congratulate
- photographer
- to earn
- manager
- businessperson
- to interrupt
- to invest
- boss
- teacher
- business; commerce
- to obtain; to get
- occupation
- trade
- opportunity
- hairdresser
- painter
- politician
- concierge
- the future
- profession
- next
- psychologist
- position; job
- to resign (from)
- reporter
- meeting
- salary
- secretary
- to apply (for a job)
- (job) application
- technician
- telecommuting
- to be successful
- tower
- job; work
- videoconference
Unit 5: Un Festival De Arte
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Assessments
- Vocabulary
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- ACTFL Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- ACTFL Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- ACTFL Communication 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
- ACTFL Cultures 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.
- ACTFL Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- ACTFL Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
Understanding/Key Learning
Unit Essential Questions
Lesson Essential Questions
- ¿Te gusta hacer o apreciar diferentes tipos de arte? ¿A qué artistas admiras?
- ¿Qué tipos de programas de televisión y películas prefieres?
- ¿Qué artista invitarías a tu casa para una fiesta? ¿Por qué?
- ¿Qué tipo de música prefieres? ¿Qué instrumento quieres aprender a tocar?
- ¿Con qué frecuencia vas a un museo, a un concierto, o al teatro?
- ... de acción
- ... de aventuras
- ... de ciencia ficción
- ... de horror
- ... de vaqueros
- aburrirse
- aplaudir
- apreciar
- la artesanía
- artístico/a
- el bailarín, la bailarina
- el baile, la danza
- el/la baile/danza
- las bellas artes
- el boleto
- el canal
- la canción
- el/la cantante
- la cerámica
- clásico/a
- colorido/a
- la comedia
- el/la compositor(a)
- el concierto
- el concurso
- el cuento
- la cultura
- los dibujos animados
- el/la director(a)
- dirigir
- el documental
- el drama
- dramático/a
- el/la dramaturgo/a
- enfadarse
- enseguida
- el/la escritor(a)
- esculpir
- el/la escultor(a)
- la escultura
- el espectáculo
- la estatua
- el estilo
- la estrella (m., f.) de cine
- extranjero/a
- el festival
- folclórico/a
- genial
- guiñar el ojo
- el gusto
- hacer el papel (de)
- la historia
- la inauguración
- llamativo/a
- mentir (e:ie)
- moderno/a
- la música
- musical
- el/la músico/a
- la obra
- la obra maestra
- la ópera
- la orquesta
- la partitura
- el personaje (principal)
- pintar
- la pintura
- el poema
- la poesía
- el/la poeta
- el premio
- presentar
- el programa de entrevistas/realidad
- publicar
- el público
- rechazar
- romántico/a
- susurrar
- talentoso/a
- el teatro
- el tejido
- la telenovela
- tocar (un instrumento musical)
- la tragedia
- action
- adventure
- science fiction
- horror
- western
- to get bored
- to applaud
- to appreciate
- craftsmanship; crafts
- artistic
- dancer
- band
- dance
- (fine) arts
- ticket
- channel
- song
- singer
- pottery
- classical
- colorful
- comedy; play
- composer
- concert
- game show; contest
- short story
- culture
- cartoons
- director; (musical) conductor
- to direct
- documentary
- drama; play
- dramatic
- playwright
- to get angry
- right away
- writer
- to sculpt
- sculptor
- sculpture
- show
- statue
- style
- movie star
- foreign
- festival
- folk
- great
- to wink
- taste
- to play the role (of)
- history; story
- opening
- bright
- to lie
- modern
- music
- musical
- musician
- work (of art, music, etc.)
- masterpiece
- opera
- orchestra
- (music) score
- (main) character
- to paint
- painting
- poem
- poetry
- poet
- prize; award
- to present; to put on (a performance)
- talk/reality show
- to publish
- audience
- to turn down
- romantic
- to whisper
- talented
- theater
- weaving
- soap opera
- to touch; to play (a musical instrument)
- tragedy
Unit 6: Las Actualidades
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Assessments
- Vocabulary
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- ACTFL Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- ACTFL Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- ACTFL Communication 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
- ACTFL Cultures 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.
- ACTFL Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- ACTFL Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
Understanding/Key Learning
Unit Essential Questions
Lesson Essential Questions
- el acontecimiento
- las actualidades
- anunciar
- apoyar
- el artículo
- el asunto
- el/la candidato/a
- el choque
- el/la ciudadano/a
- comunicarse (con)
- el crimen
- darse cuenta de
- el deber
- declarar
- los derechos
- el desastre (natural)
- el desempleo
- el diario
- la dictadura
- la discriminación
- el discurso
- durar
- el ejército
- las elecciones
- elegir (e:i)
- la encuesta
- enredarse
- espantar
- la firma
- la guerra
- la huelga
- el huracán
- la (des)igualdad
- el impuesto
- el incendio
- informar
- el informe
- la inundación
- la libertad
- el/la locutor(a)
- lograr
- luchar (por/contra)
- los medios de comunicación
- la meta
- (inter)nacional
- las noticias
- el noticiero
- obedecer
- la ONU
- la paz
- peligroso/a
- la política
- político/a
- el porcentaje
- la prensa
- el racismo
- el reportaje
- el/la representante
- salvar
- el sexismo
- el SIDA
- el/la soldado
- el terremoto
- la tormenta
- el tornado
- transmitir, emitir
- la violencia
- votar
- event
- news; current events
- to announce; to advertise
- to support
- article
- issue
- candidate
- collision
- citizen
- to communicate (with)
- crime; murder
- to realize
- responsibility; obligation
- to declare
- rights
- (natural) disaster
- unemployment
- newspaper
- dictatorship
- discrimination
- speech
- to last
- army
- election
- to elect
- poll; survey
- to get tangled up
- to scare away
- signature
- war
- strike
- hurricane
- (in)equality
- tax
- fire
- to inform
- report
- flood
- liberty; freedom
- (TV or radio) announcer
- to reach; to achieve
- to fight; to struggle (for/against)
- media; means of communication
- goal
- (inter)national
- news
- newscast
- to obey
- United Nations
- peace
- dangerous
- politics
- political
- percentage
- press
- racism
- report
- representative
- to save
- sexism
- soldier
- earthquake
- storm
- tornado
- to broadcast
- violence
- to vote