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Spanish II

Course Description

Students will continue their study of the language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. They will enhance their proficiency-based skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Course Big Ideas

  • Students will be able to describe daily routines.
  • Students will be able to discuss foods and meals.
  • Students will be able to converse about celebrations and traditions.
  • Students will be able to talk about health and wellness.
  • Students will be able to comment on the use of technology.
  • Students will be able to discuss the home and domestic responsibilities.

Course Essential Questions

  • How do our daily activities and routines compare to those of people in Spanish-speaking countries?
  • How does our culture influence how we choose to spend our time each day?
  • How does culture, geography, and history influence the design and decor of homes in a community?
  • How do household chores reflect family roles and values within a culture?
  • What foods do we consider traditional in our community and how do they compare with traditional foods in other parts of the country and in Spanish-speaking cultures?
  • How does culture influence the way we celebrate events with family and friends?
  • What are the traditional celebrations and holidays in the Spanish-speaking world and how do they compare to those in our community and in the rest of my country?
  • How does our culture affect our attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle and how we treat illness?
  • How does technology influence our everyday life in our country and in other cultures?

Course Competencies

  • Read for understanding
  • Simple writing
  • Develop target language speaking skills
  • Active listening
  • Cultural comparisons

Course Assignments

  • VHL Central online resources
  • Teacher-generated formative and summative assessments

Course Units