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Latin III

Course Description

In this course the student will complete an understanding of the Latin language through development of extended, complex grammar and vocabulary. An emphasis is placed on verb structure. The student will gain an understanding and appreciation for Ancient Roman culture through a study of art and architecture.

Course Big Ideas

  • Independent and Dependent Clauses
  • Subjunctive Mood of Verbs
  • Infinitive Mood of Verbs
  • Participle Mood of Verbs
  • Imperative Mood of Verbs
  • Uses of the Future Passive Participle – Gerunds, Passive Periphrastic Verbs
  • Ancient Greek Sculpture

Course Essential Questions

  • How does a verb’s mood influence the tone and translation of a complex sentence?
  • How does the syntax of a complex sentence shape its translation?
  • What do the physical characteristics of an ancient sculpture tell us about its construction and representation of a specific time period in ancient civilizations?

Course Competencies

  • Conjugation of Latin verbs in all moods, tenses, and voices, including indicative, subjunctive, infinitive, and participle.
  • Connections in grammatical concepts and basic vocabulary between Latin and English.
  • Complex written translation of both English and Latin, as it applies to target grammatical concepts and vocabulary.
  • Comparisons and influences of ancient and modern cultures, as it relates to classical art and sculpture.

Course Assignments

  • Recitation of verb charts
  • Teacher and student-produced written assignments
  • Teacher-produced formative and summative assessments

Course Units