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Latin II

Course Description

In this course the student will further gain an understanding of the Latin language through development of extended grammar and vocabulary. An emphasis is placed on the study of nouns and adjectives. The student will gain an understanding and appreciation for Ancient Roman culture through a study of Pompeii, daily life, and entertainment.

Course Big Ideas

  • 3rd, 4th, and 5th Declension Nouns
  • Noun/Adjective Agreement
  • 3rd and 4th Conjugation Verbs
  • The Perfect System of Verb Tenses
  • The Passive Voice of Verbs
  • Basic Vocabulary
  • Advanced Sentence Translation
  • Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius
  • Roman Gladiators

Course Essential Questions

  • How are different physical properties of a Latin verb prioritized in order to translate into various forms and tenses?
  • What do the physical properties of a Latin noun and/or adjective tell us about its spelling (ending) within a phrase or sentence?
  • In what ways can subjects and objects reverse roles, considering the form of the verb in a sentence?
  • How has Latin influenced the English language, in respect to grammatical concepts and vocabulary?
  • Why was the discovery of the remains of Pompeii significant to the study of ancient civilization?
  • In what ways has Ancient Roman culture influenced modern society, as it relates to forms of public entertainment?

Course Competencies

  • Declension of Latin nouns and adjectives in all declensions
  • Conjugation of Latin verbs in all tenses and voices, as well as the infinitive and participle
  • Connections in grammatical concepts and basic vocabulary between Latin and English
  • Advanced written translation of both English and Latin, as it applies to target grammatical concepts and vocabulary
  • Comparisons of ancient and modern cultures, as it relates to general aspects of daily life and beliefs

Course Assignments

  • Recitation of noun and verb charts
  • Teacher and student-produced written assignments
  • Teacher-produced formative and summative assessments

Course Units