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Honors Organic Chemistry

Course Description

Organic Chemistry focuses on the study of carbon compounds. This course will focus on the naming, structures and reactions of the important classes of organic compounds; alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, benzene and its derivatives, amines, aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids.  Simple reaction mechanisms and synthesis will also be addressed.

Course Big Ideas

  • All forms of matter exist as a result of the combination or rearrangement of atoms.
  • The atoms of some substances combine or rearrange to form new substances that have different properties.

Course Essential Questions

  • How does the bonding and structure of various organic compounds affect their function, properties, and reactions?
  • How are various organic compounds constructed and named?
  • How can different types of models be used to illustrate the bonds that hold atoms together in various organic compounds?
  • What are the major reactions of various organic molecules?
  • How can energy changes in reactions of organic molecules be illustrated?
  • What factors affect the rate at which reactions of organic molecules occur?

Course Competencies

  • Name, draw, and build a variety of organic compounds.
  • Predict the major product of substitution, elimination, oxidation, and reduction reactions of organic compounds.
  • Propose mechanisms for substitution and elimination reactions of organic compounds.

Course Assessments

  • Homework questions
  • Lab reports
  • Unit tests
  • Project

Course Units