German III
Course Description
German III will expand and refine development of reading, writing, and especially speaking skills. Cultural activities will be included, and grammatical principles will be further integrated.
Course Big Ideas
- Vocabulary
- Body Parts and Personal Hygiene
- General Health and symptoms and injuries vocabulary
- Doctor/Hospital specific vocabulary
- Buildings in a city, businesses and government
- Running errands
- Asking for and giving directions
- City traffic
- Nationalities
- Vocabulary chosen from the fairy tales Rapunzel and Aschenputtel (Cinderella) that is relevant to everyday life
- Nature and environment
- Animals
- Environmental problems and solutions
- Grammar
- Reflexive Verbs including reciprocal verbs and special prepositions
- Konjunktiv II (subjunctive) verb tense
- Spoken Subjunctive forms
- Subordinating Conjunctions
- Adjectives as nouns
- Futur I (future) verb tense
- Prepositions of direction
- Relative Pronouns
- Futur II (future perfect) verb tense
- Past tense subjunctive verb tense
- Konjunktiv I verb tense for indirect discourse
- Passive voice
- Culture topics related to each vocabulary unit
Course Essential Questions
- How does one speak about health related topics informally and with medical professionals?
- How does one speak about everyday city life and running errands in German?
- What are the similarities and differences between the German and American versions of fairy tales?
- Why do German and American fairy tales differ?
- How does one describe nature and the environment?
- How does one correctly integrate various complex grammar concepts in speaking and writing?
Course Competencies
- Reading for understanding and supporting details.
- Writing compound and complex detailed sentences, paragraphs, and short stories.
- Active listening in the target language.
- Speaking in the target language in order to share personal and general information.
- Compare and contrast language and culture between the target country and other.
Course Assignments
Formative and summative assessments done through:
- Teacher created vocabulary and grammar assessments
- Teacher created speaking assessments
- VHL Online assessments
Course Units
- Unit 1: Gesundheit (Health)
- Unit 2: Stadtleben (City Life)
- Unit 3: Fairy Tales
- Unit 4: Natur (Nature)
Unit 1: Gesundheit (Health)
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Assessments
- Vocabulary
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- Communication 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
- Cultures 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- Comparisons 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
- Vocabulary related to the body and personal hygiene.
- Vocabulary related to general health, injuries, doctor and hospital visits.
- Conjugation and application of reflexive verbs with both accusative and dative reflexive pronouns, including reciprocal verbs and specific required prepositions.
- The Konjunktiv II verb tense (subjunctive) including individual forms and würden + infinitive.
- Cultural topics related to health and wellness.
Understanding/Key Learning
- How to use vocabulary to describe the body and hygiene activities.
- How to speak about one’s health both good and bad.
- How to navigate conversations with doctors and nurses.
- How to speak and write with reflexive verbs about activities happening to oneself (reflexive verbs).
- How to speak about wishes, unreal conditions, and polite requests. (Konjunktiv II)
- What options are there in Germany for health and wellness?
- Speaking
- Students will speak about health topics and hygiene activities.
- Students will complete mock scenarios of being in a doctor’s office/hospital for assistance.
- Students will speak about their wishes and make polite requests to others in the classroom.
- Listening
- Students will listen to other students speak about health and wellness topics and provide appropriate responses.
- Students will listen to audio clips and watch videos from the textbook that share information about health and wellness. Students will answer questions related to what was heard.
- Reading
- Students will read texts about health and wellness for vocabulary and culture. Students will identify main and supporting details from the text.
- Students will read short conversations of patients at a doctor’s office/hospital.
- Writing
- Students will write short paragraphs about daily hygiene habits using reflexive verbs.
- Students will write about their wishes and unreal conditions using the subjunctive verb tense
Unit Essential Questions
Lesson Essential Questions
- What vocabulary is used for body parts in German?
- What vocabulary is used for personal hygiene and how do those verbs differ from English?
- How are reflexive verbs used appropriately in a German sentence using accusative and dative reflexive pronouns correctly?
- What is the Konjunktiv II, what is its purpose, and how is it used in German?
- How do wellness retreats and pharmacies differ and how are they similar between Germany and the USA?
Additional Vocabulary that relates will be added as needed.
- der Arm, -e
- arm
- aufwachen (wacht...auf)
- to wake up
- das Auge, -n
- eye
- die Augenbraue, -n
- eyebrow
- der Bademantel, ¨-
- bathrobe
- der Bart, ¨-e
- beard
- der Bauch, ¨-e
- belly
- das Bein, -e
- leg
- die Bürste, -n
- brush
- (sich) duschen
- to take a shower
- der Ell(en)bogen,-
- elbow
- der Finger,-
- finger
- der Fuß, ¨-e
- foot
- das Gesicht, -er
- face
- das Haar, -e
- hair
- der Haartrockner,-
- hair dryer
- der Hals, ¨-e
- neck
- die Hand, ¨-e
- hand
- das Handtuch, ¨-er
- towel
- der Hausschuh, -e
- slipper
- ins Bett gehen
- to go to bed
- der Kamm, ¨-e
- comb
- das Knie,-
- knee
- der Kopf, ¨-e
- head
- die Lippe, -n
- lip
- der Lippenstift, -e
- lipstick
- der Mund, ¨-er
- mouth
- die Nase, -n
- nose
- das Ohr, -en
- ear
- der Rasierer,-
- razor
- der Rasierschaum
- shaving cream
- der Rücken,-
- back
- der Schlafanzug, ¨-e
- pajamas
- die Schulter, -n
- shoulder
- die Seife, -n
- soap
- das Shampoo, -s
- shampoo
- sich anziehen (zieht
- to get dressed
- sich die Haare bürsten
- to brush one's hair
- sich die Zähne putzen
- to brush one's teeth
- sich rasieren
- to shave
- sich schminken
- to put on makeup
- die Zahnbürste, -n
- toothbrush
- die Zahnpasta (pl. Zahnpasten)
- toothpaste
- der Zeh, -en
- toe
- die Allergie, -n
- allergy
- allergisch sein (gegen)
- to be allergic (to)
- die Apotheke, -n
- pharmacy
- der Arzt, ¨-e / die Ärztin, -nen
- doctor
- die Bauchschmerzen (pl.)
- stomachache
- die Erkältung, -en
- cold
- Fieber haben
- to have a fever
- gesund
- healthy
- die Grippe, -n
- flu
- husten
- to cough
- in guter/schlechter Form sein
- to be in/out of shape
- die Kopfschmerzen (pl.)
- headache
- krank
- sick
- krank/gesund werden
- to get sick/better
- der Krankenpfleger,-
- nurse (m.)
- die Krankenschwester, -n
- nurse (f.)
- der Krankenwagen,-
- ambulance
- leicht
- mild
- das Medikament, -e
- medicine
- niesen
- to sneeze
- die Notaufnahme, -n
- emergency room
- der Patient, -en / die Patientin, -nen
- patient
- das Pflaster, -e
- adhesive bandage
- das Rezept, -e
- prescription
- die Rückenschmerzen (pl.)
- backache
- der Schmerz, -en
- pain
- schwanger
- pregnant
- schwer
- serious
- schwindlig
- dizzy
- sich (den Arm / das Bein) brechen
- to break (an arm / a leg)
- sich verletzen
- to hurt oneself
- sich (das Handgelenk / den Fuß) verstauchen
- to sprain (one’s wrist/ankle)
- Sport treiben
- to exercise
- eine Spritze geben
- to give a shot
- die Tablette, -n
- pill
- das Taschentuch, ¨-er
- tissue
- das Thermometer,-
- thermometer
- übel
- nauseous
- die Verletzung, -en
- injury
- die verstopfte Nase
- stuffy nose
- weh tun (tut...weh)
- to hurt
- weinen
- to cry
- der Zahnarzt, ¨-e / die Zahnärztin, -nen
- dentist
- die Zahnschmerzen (pl.)
- toothache
- zum Arzt gehen
- to go to the doctor
Unit 2: Stadtleben (City Life)
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Assessments
- Vocabulary
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- Communication 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
- Cultures 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- Comparisons 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
- Vocabulary related to places in a city: businesses, government buildings, city traffic.
- Vocabulary related to running errands.
- Vocabulary related to asking for and giving directions.
- Subordinating conjunctions and their use.
- Using adjectives as nouns.
- Futur I verb tense (future tense).
- Using prepositions of direction correctly.
- Vocabulary related to describing nationalities.
- Cultural topics including: walking zones, German mail service, and entertainment options found in cities.
Understanding/Key Learning
- How to describe various locations in a city.
- How to share what errands one must complete.
- How to ask and give directions in both formal and informal speech.
- How to create complex sentences using subordinating conjunctions and correct sentence structure.
- How to form nouns from adjectives.
- How to form the future tense and when it is used.
- Which prepositions are used for giving directions.
- How to create and use nationality nouns and adjectives.
- Where to find walking zones and other specialized locations in cities.
- Speaking
- Students will verbally ask for and give directions to their classmates.
- Students will speak about locations they visit in a city and for what purpose.
- Listening
- Students will listen to stories, videos, and audio clips that share information about city life for comprehension.
- Students will listen to classmates' presentations on cities in Germany.
- Reading
- Students will read texts about city life for main and supporting details.
- Students will read and follow directions using maps to find locations of buildings.
- Writing
- Students will write directions for getting to various locations on a map.
- Students will write about the errands they need to complete on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
Unit Essential Questions
- How does one ask for directions and accurately describe various buildings around a city?
- How does one express the types of errands that need to be completed?
- How does one combine independent and dependent clauses with subordinating conjunctions?
- How does one use adjectives as nouns?
- How do we speak and when do we speak in the future tense in German?
- How are prepositions used to express directions?
- How does one describe nationalities?
Lesson Essential Questions
- How does one describe locations around a city?
- How does one describe errands that need to be done as part of daily life?
- How does one ask for and give directions?
- What types of clauses do subordinating conjunctions combine?
- How does that word order of a sentence change when a subordinating conjunction is used?
- How does one use an adjective as a noun to describe a person or object in general?
- How and when does one use the Future tense in German?
- How does one use prepositions of direction correctly in German?
- How does one describe the nationalities of oneself and others?
Additional Vocabulary that relates will be added as needed.
- abheben (hebt... ab)
- to withdraw
- abschicken (schickt... ab)
- to mail
- die Adresse, -n
- address
- ausfüllen (füllt... aus)
- to fill out
- die Bank, -en
- bank
- bar bezahlen
- to pay in cash
- das Bargeld
- cash
- Besorgungen machen
- to run errands
- das Blumengeschäft, -e
- flower shop
- der Brief, -e
- letter
- der Briefkasten, ¨-
- mailbox
- die Briefmarke, -n
- stamp
- der Briefträger, - / die Briefträgerin, -nen
- mail carrier
- der Briefumschlag, ¨-e
- envelope
- die Drogerie, -n
- drugstore
- einzahlen (zahlt... ein)
- to deposit
- das Formular, -e
- form
- das Geld
- money
- der Geldautomat, -en
- der Geldschein, -e
- bill
- geöffnet
- open
- geschlossen
- closed
- das Internetcafé, -s
- internet café
- das Juweliergeschäft, -e
- jewelry store
- das Kino, -s
- movie theater
- der Kiosk, -e
- newspaper kiosk
- das Kleingeld
- change
- das Konto (pl. die Konten)
- bank account
- der Kosmetiksalon, -s
- beauty salon
- mit der Karte bezahlen
- to pay by (credit) card
- die Münze, -n
- coin
- das Paket, -e
- package
- die Polizeiwache, -n
- police station
- die Post
- post office
- die Postkarte, -n
- postcard
- das Rathaus, ¨-er
- town hall
- das Schreibwarengeschäft, -e
- paper-goods store
- unterschreiben
- to sign
- der Waschsalon, -s
- laundromat
- die Zeitschrift, -en
- magazine
- die Zeitung, -en
- newspaper
- abbiegen (biegt… ab)
- to turn
- die Allee, -n
- avenue; boulevard
- Amerika
- America
- der Amerikaner, - / die Amerikanerin, -nen
- American (person)
- amerikanisch (adj.)
- American
- die Ampel, -n
- traffic light
- die Bank, ¨-e
- bench
- bis zu
- until; up to
- die Brücke, -n
- bridge
- der Brunnen,-
- fountain
- der Bürgermeister, - / die Bürgermeisterin, -nen
- mayor
- der Bürgersteig, -e
- sidewalk
- China
- China
- der Chinese, -n / die Chinesin, -nen
- Chinese (person)
- chinesisch (adj.)
- Chinese
- deutsch (adj.)
- German
- der Deutsche, - / die Deutschen
- German (person)
- Deutschland
- Germany
- die Ecke, -n
- corner
- das Einkaufszentrum, (pl. Einkaufszentren)
- mall; shopping center
- England
- England
- der Engländer, - / die Engländerin, -nen
- English (person)
- englisch (adj.)
- English
- folgen
- to follow
- Frankreich
- France
- der Franzose, -n / die Französin, -nen
- French (person)
- französisch (adj.)
- French
- der Fußgänger, - / die Fußgängerin, -nen
- pedestrian(s)
- das Gebäude,-
- building
- gegenüber von
- across from
- geradeaus
- straight
- die Hauptstraße, -n
- main road
- heruntergehen (geht... herunter)
- to go down
- hochgehen (geht... hoch)
- to go up/climb
- in der Nähe von
- close to
- in Richtung
- toward
- der Inder, - / die Inderin, -nen
- Indian (person)
- Indien
- India
- indisch (adj.)
- Indian
- Italien
- Italy
- der Italiener, - / die Italienerin, -nen
- Italian (person)
- italienisch (adj.)
- Italian
- Kanada
- Canada
- der Kanadier, - / die Kanadierin, -nen
- Canadian (person)
- kanadisch (adj.)
- Canadian
- das Kaufhaus, ¨-er
- department store
- die Kirche, -n
- church
- Korea
- Korea
- der Koreaner, - / die Koreanerin, -nen
- Korean (person)
- koreanisch (adj.)
- Korean
- die Kreuzung, -en
- intersection
- der Mexikaner, - / die Mexikanerin, -nen
- Mexican (person)
- mexikanisch (adj.)
- Mexican
- Mexiko
- Mexico
- mitnehmen (nimmt... mit)
- to give a ride
- nah(e)
- near; nearby
- Österreich
- Austria
- der Österreicher, - / die Österreicherin, -nen
- Austrian (person)
- österreichisch (adj.)
- Austrian
- der Russe, -n / die Russin, -nen
- Russian (person)
- russisch (adj.)
- Russian
- Russland
- Russia
- die Schweiz
- Switzerland
- der Schweizer, - / die Schweizerin, -nen
- Swiss (person)
- schweizerisch, Schweizer (adj.)
- Swiss
- sich verlaufen
- to be/get lost
- sich zurechtfinden (findet sich... zurecht)
- to find one's way
- Spanien
- Spain
- der Spanier, - / die Spanierin, -nen
- Spanish (person)
- spanisch (adj.)
- Spanish
- die Stadt, ¨-e
- town
- die Statue, -n
- statue
- die Straße, -n
- street
- die Telefonzelle, -n
- phone booth
- die Treppe, -n
- stairs
- der Türke, -n / die Türkin, -nen
- Turkish (person)
- die Türkei
- Turkey
- türkisch (adj.)
- Turkish
- überqueren
- to cross
- das Viertel,-
- neighborhood
- weit von
- far from
- der Zebrastreifen,-
- crosswalk
Unit 3: Fairy Tales
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Assessments
- Vocabulary
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- Communication 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
- Cultures 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- Comparisons 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
- Vocabulary related to the fairy tales Rapunzel and Aschenputtel (Cinderella).
- The differences between German and American versions of fairy tales.
- Grammar review of the past tenses in German.
- Grammar review of reflexive verbs.
- Grammar review of adjective endings.
- Learning the Futur II verb tense in German.
Understanding/Key Learning
- Learning vocabulary for everyday use that is related to the fairy tales being read.
- Compare and contrast the German and American versions of the fairy tales Rapunzel and Aschenputtel
- Review of grammar topics needed for the fairy tales for understanding and use, i.e. past tense, reflexive verbs, adjective endings, pronoun use, etc.
- Learn and understand the usage of the Futur II (future perfect tense).
- Speaking
- Students will speak about the fairy tales to share their thoughts and predictions of what will happen next.
- Students will speak using the Futur II verb tense.
- Listening
- Students will listen to the teacher, classmates, and audio clips for the fairy tales to gain information and have conversations.
- Reading
- Students will read original fairy tales in German and try to interpret what is being said.
- Students will read sentences in the future perfect tense and answer questions for understanding.
- Writing
- Students will write sentences in the Futur II.
- Students will write summaries and predictions for the fairy tales.
- Students will write their own fairy tales in German.
Unit Essential Questions
Lesson Essential Questions
- What is the essential vocabulary that can also be used in everyday language from each of the fairy tales?
- How does the German version of the fairy tales compare in facts/events to the American version?
- Why do German and American fairy tales differ?
- Which past tense is used in fairy tales?
- How does the use of pronouns affect our ability to understand the content of fairy tales?
- How does one form the Futur II tense in German?
- What is the purpose and use of the Futur II tense in German?
- Mosaik 3 Textbook and VHL Online site (for grammar activities as appropriate)
- Teacher created handout and activities
- Teacher created assessments such as vocabulary and grammar quizzes, projects, speaking activities, etc.
- Websites for vocabulary practice such as: Quizlet, Blooket, Kahoot, Schoology, Moodle, etc.
Additional Vocabulary that relates will be added as needed.
Rapunzel Vocabulary:
- sich wünschen
- - to hope for
- schon lange
- - for a long time
- endlich
- - finally, eventually
- die Hoffnung
- - the hope
- der Wunsch
- - the wish
- das Fenster
- - the window
- der Garten
- - the garden
- voll
- - full (not for food)
- die Blume, -n
- - the flower
- die Mauer
- - the wall (i.e. at a border)
- wagen
- - to risk, to dare
- gehören
- - to belong
- die Macht
- - the power
- die Welt
- - the world
- fürchten
- - to fear
- erblicken
- - to see something
- die Rapunzel
- - the lamb’s lettuce
- das Verlangen
- - the desire (wish)
- empfinden
- - to feel something
- bekommen
- - to receive
- erschrecken
- - to shock someone; to startle
- fehlen
- - to be missing, someone is lacking something
- antworten
- - to answer
- hinter
- - behind
- kriegen
- - to get something
- sterben
- - to die
- denken
- - to think
- holen
- - to get something (fetch)
- steigen
- - to climb
- über
- - above, over
- aufessen
- - to eat up
- andere-
- - other, different
- die Lust
- - the desire (longing); joy, pleasure
- die Ruhe
- - the quiet, the silence, peace
- zornig
- - angry, furious
- der Blick
- - the look
- stehlen
- - to steal
- nur
- - only
- die Not
- - the need/hardship
- entschließen
- - to decide (resolve)
- (entscheiden)
- - decide (make a choice)
- der Zorn
- - the anger/rage
- die Bedingung
- - the condition (circumstance)
- sorgen
- - to provide for/take care of
- erscheinen
- - to appear
- sofort (sogleich)
- - immediately, at once
- schließen
- - to close or shut
- der Turm
- - the tower
- der Wald
- - the forest
- liegen
- - to lie (location)
- rufen
- - to cry out or call
- wie
- -how/like
- die Stimme
- - the voice
- tief
- - deep/far below
- der König
- - the king
- reiten
- - to ride (an animal)
- der Gesang
- - the song
- lieblich
- - lovely, delightful
- stillhalten
- - to stay still
- die Einsamkeit
- - the loneliness
- süß
- - sweet
- suchen nach
- - to search for someone/thing
- heim
- - home
- das Herz rühren
- - to touch someone’s heart
- zuhören
- - to listen
- der Baum
- - the tree
- das Glück
- - the luck
- versuchen
- - to try/attempt
- reden
- - to talk
- erzählen
- - to explain
- selbst
- - myself, yourself, himself, etc.
- verlieren
- - to lose (something)
- das Pferd
- - the horse
- legen
- - to put or place (lay)
- merken
- - to notice (something)
- der Augenblick
- - the moment
- scheiden von
- - to separate something from something
- die Erde
- - the earth
- leben
- - to live
- der Vogel, -¨
- - the bird
- der Schmerz
- - the pain or anguish
- die Verzweiflung
- - the despair, desperation
- umherirren
- - to wander around
- tun
- - to do something
- der Zwilling, -e
- - the twin
- gebären
- - to give birth
- kümmerlich
- - miserable, pitiful
- bekannt
- - well-known
- der Hals
- - the neck or throat
- die Träne, -n
- - the tear, -s
- klar
- - clear
- führen
- - to lead (so to sth)
- das Reich
- - the empire/realm
- die Freude
- - the joy/delight
- vergnügt
- - happy, cheerful
Aschenputtel Vocabulary:
- sich anziehen
- - to put on (clothing)
- das Angesicht
- - the reputation
- arm
- - poor
- die Asche, -n
- - the ash
- aussprechen
- - to pronounce
- beistehen
- - to stand by/give assistance to someone
- beten
- - to pray
- danken
- - to thank
- einzig
- - only (one of something)
- das Feuer
- - the fire
- fühlen
- - to feel
- garstig
- - horrible, nasty
- herab
- - down
- der Herd
- - the stove
- hinaus
- - out (as in outside or leaving)
- hölzern
- - wooden
- die Linse, -n
- - the lentil
- das Reis
- - the twig
- der Rückweg
- - the way back
- schlimm
- - bad; terrible
- staubig
- - dusty
- stolz
- - proud
- tragen
- - to carry; to wear
- verdienen
- - to earn
- verspotten
- - to mock
- werfen
- - to throw
- das Fest
- - the celebration/festival
- dauern
- - to last
- die Braut
- - the bride
- das Ding, -e
- - the thing
- sich kämmen
- - to comb one’s hair
- sich bürsten
- - to brush oneself
- fest
- - firm; tight
- die Hochzeit
- - the wedding
- gehorchen
- - to obey
- bitten
- - to ask so. for sth.
- erlauben
- - to allow (so. to do sth.)
- das Bitten
- - the pleading
- anhalten
- - to stop something
- die Schüssel
- - the bowl/dish
- der Himmel
- - the sky; the heaven
- helfen
- - to help
- das Töpfchen (der Topf)
- - the small pot (the pot)
- übrig
- - remaining; other
- kaum
- - hardly, scarcely
- schon
- - already
- sich freuen
- - to be pleased
- glauben
- - to believe
- nimmermehr
- - never again
- sich schämen
- - to be ashamed of oneself
- daheim
- - at home
- der Pantoffel, -n
- - the slipper
- fremd
- - foreign; unfamiliar
- entgegen
- - towards
- loslassen
- - to let go
- begleiten
- - to accompany/escort
- angehören
- - to belong to/be a member of
- entwischen
- - to escape (from so)
- die Axt
- - the ax
- darin
- - in there/in it
- geschwind
- - quickly, swiftly
- sich abziehen
- - to undress
- das Kleid
- - the dress
- meinen
- - to think; to mean
- gar nicht
- - not at all
- warten
- - to wait
- nun
- - well/then
- brennen
- - to burn; to be on fire
- vorig
- - previous; last
- erstaunen über
- - to be amazed by sth
- klettern
- - to climb (on sth)
- prächtig
- - splendid; magnificent
- glänzend
- - shining; brilliant
- die Verwunderung
- - the amazement
- fortgehen
- - to go away
- fort sein
- - to be gone
- jedermann
- - everybody/everyone
- herrlich
- - marvelous; delicious
- die Birne, -n
- - the pear
- das Eichhörnchen
- - the squirrel
- der Ast, -¨e
- - the branch (of a tree)
- zwischen
- - between
- folgen
- - to follow so/sth
- die List
- - the trick
- aufheben
- - to pick up sth
- anprobieren
- - to try on
- der Zeh/die Zehe
- - the toe
- das Messer
- - the knife
- verbeißen
- - to suppress sth
- das Blut
- - the blood
- blicken
- - to look
- die Ferse
- - the heel
- umwenden
- - to turn around
- unmöglich
- - impossible
- schicken
- - to send so/sth
- bleich
- - pale
- picken
- - to pick or peck
- die Bosheit
- - the nastiness
- die Blindheit
- - the blindness
- strafen
- - to punish
- stecken
- - to put something
- das Gesicht
- - the face
- waschen
- - to wash
Unit 4: Natur (Nature)
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Assessments
- Vocabulary
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- Communication 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
- Cultures 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- Comparisons 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
- Vocabulary related to nature, animals, and the environment.
- Concepts related to environmental problems and solutions in Germany.
- The past subjunctive verb tense (Konjunktiv der Vergangenheit).
- Now to use present participles as adjectives and adverbs.
- The use of Konjunktiv I and indirect discourse in German.
- How to form the passive voice in German.
- Cultural topics related to the environment.
Understanding/Key Learning
- How to speak about nature and the environment in German.
- How to speak about various animals in German.
- How to speak about past wishes and unreal conditions using the past subjunctive verb tense.
- How to create present participles to use as adjectives and adverbs.
- How to use present participles correctly in a sentence.
- How to form the Konjunktiv I verb tense and use it for indirect discourse.
- How to form and use the passive voice in German.
- Speaking
- Students will speak about nature, the environment and environmental concerns in Germany.
- Students will speak about animals and where they can be found.
- Listening
- Students will listen to audio clips, videos, the teacher, and classmates for information and in conversations about nature, animals, and the environment.
- Students will identify main ideas for responses to listing assignments and conversations.
- Reading
- Students will read texts about nature and the environment to identify main and supporting details.
- Students will read texts that use indirect discourse.
- Writing
- Students will write about climate and environmental differences between Germany and the USA.
- Students will write essays about environmental problems and solutions based on information provided in the textbook about Germany.
- Students will write sentences and paragraphs using indirect discourse.
- Students will write sentences using the passive voice.
Unit Essential Questions
Lesson Essential Questions
- How does one explain the world of nature with correct German vocabulary?
- What words are used for animals in German, and how many of them are congnates?
- What are concerns for the environment in Germany?
- What solutions are available, based on information in the book, for some of Germany’s environmental concerns?
- How does one form the past subjunctive verb tense (Konjunktiv II in Vergangenheit)?
- How does one create present participles in German?
- How does one place present participles into a German sentence structure correctly?
- How does one form the Konjunktiv I verb tense in German?
- How is the Konjunktiv I and indirect discourse used in German?
- What is the purpose of the passive voice and how it is created in German?
Additional Vocabulary that relates will be added as needed.
- aufgehen (geht... auf)
- to rise
- aufregend
- exciting
- der Bauernhof, ¨-e
- farm
- der Baum, ¨-e
- tree
- bedeutend
- important
- der Berg -e
- mountain
- das Blatt, ¨-er
- leaf
- der Busch, ¨-e
- bush
- das Eichhörnchen,-
- squirrel
- erforschen
- to explore
- das Feld, -er
- field
- der Fisch, -e
- fish
- der Fluss, ¨-e
- river
- das Gras , ¨-er
- grass
- der Hase, -n
- hare
- der Himmel
- sky
- das Huhn, ¨-er
- chicken
- die Insel, -n
- island
- klingelnd
- ringing
- die Klippe, -n
- cliff
- die Kuh, ¨-e
- cow
- die Küste, -n
- coast
- lachend
- laughing
- die Landschaft, -en
- countryside
- die Luft
- air
- die Maus, ¨-e
- mouse
- das Meer, -e
- sea
- der Mond, -e
- moon
- nass
- wet
- das Pferd, -e
- horse
- ein Picknick (n.) machen
- to have a picnic
- das Schaf, -e
- sheep
- die Schlange, -n
- snake
- der See, -n
- lake
- die Sonne, -n
- sun
- der Sonnenaufgang, ¨-e
- sunrise
- der Sonnenuntergang, ¨-e
- sunset
- der Stein, -e
- rock
- der Stern -e
- star
- suchend
- searchingly
- das Tal, ¨-er
- valley
- trocken
- dry
- untergehen (geht... unter)
- to set
- wachsend
- growing
- der Wald, ¨-er
- forest
- wandern
- to hike
- der Wasserfall, ¨-e
- waterfall
- der Weg, -e
- path
- weinend
- crying
- die Art, -en
- species
- ausschalten (schaltet… aus)
- to turn off
- das Aussterben
- extinction
- biologisch
- organic
- einschalten (schaltet… ein)
- to turn on
- entwickeln
- to develop
- die Erde, -n
- earth
- die Erderwärmung
- global warming
- erhalten (erhält)
- to preserve
- die erneuerbare Energie (pl. die erneuerbaren Energien)
- renewable energy
- die Fabrik, -en
- factory
- die Fahrgemeinschaft, -en
- carpool
- die Gefahr, -en
- danger
- gefährdet
- endangered
- das Gesetz, -e
- law
- der Giftmüll
- toxic waste
- das Hochwasser,-
- flood
- das Hybridauto, -s
- hybrid car
- die Kernenergie
- nuclear energy
- das Kernkraftwerk, -e
- nuclear power plant
- das Licht, -er
- light
- der Müll
- waste
- der Müllwagen,-
- garbage truck
- die Ökologie
- ecology
- ökologisch
- ecological
- recyceln
- to recycle
- das Recycling
- recycling
- die Regierung, -en
- government
- (den Planeten) retten
- to save (the planet)
- der saure Regen
- acid rain
- schützen
- to protect
- die Sonnenenergie
- solar energy
- die Überbevölkerung
- overpopulation
- umweltfreundlich
- environmentally friendly
- der Umweltschutz
- environmentalism
- verbessern
- to improve
- verschmutzen
- to pollute
- die Verschmutzung
- pollution
- vorschlagen (schlägt... vor)
- to propose
- wegwerfen (wirft… weg)
- to throw away
- die Welt, -en
- world
- die Windenergie
- wind energy