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German III

Course Description

 German III will expand and refine development of reading, writing, and especially speaking  skills. Cultural activities will be included, and grammatical principles will be further integrated.

Course Big Ideas

  • Vocabulary
    • Body Parts and Personal Hygiene
    • General Health and symptoms and injuries vocabulary
    • Doctor/Hospital specific vocabulary
    • Buildings in a city, businesses and government 
    • Running errands
    • Asking for and giving directions
    • City traffic
    • Nationalities
    • Vocabulary chosen from the fairy tales Rapunzel and Aschenputtel (Cinderella) that is relevant to everyday life
    • Nature and environment
    • Animals
    • Environmental problems and solutions
  • Grammar
    • Reflexive Verbs including reciprocal verbs and special prepositions
    • Konjunktiv II (subjunctive) verb tense
    • Spoken Subjunctive forms
    • Subordinating Conjunctions
    • Adjectives as nouns
    • Futur I (future) verb tense
    • Prepositions of direction
    • Relative Pronouns
    • Futur II (future perfect) verb tense
    • Past tense subjunctive verb tense
    • Konjunktiv I verb tense for indirect discourse 
    • Passive voice
  • Culture topics related to each vocabulary unit

Course Essential Questions

  • How does one speak about health related topics informally and with medical professionals? 
  • How does one speak about everyday city life and running errands in German? 
  • What are the similarities and differences between the German and American versions of fairy tales? 
  • Why do German and American fairy tales differ? 
  • How does one describe nature and the environment? 
  • How does one correctly integrate various complex grammar concepts in speaking and writing?

Course Competencies

  • Reading for understanding and supporting details.
  • Writing compound and complex detailed sentences, paragraphs, and short stories.
  • Active listening in the target language.
  • Speaking in the target language in order to share personal and general information.
  • Compare and contrast language and culture between the target country and other.

Course Assignments

Formative and summative assessments done through: 

  • Teacher created vocabulary and grammar assessments
  • Teacher created speaking assessments
  • VHL Online assessments

Course Units