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German II

Course Description

In German II students will continue learning through a variety of activities. They will engage in  listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities to grow in their abilities in the German  language. Technology will again be used frequently in the course for practice and assessments. 

Course Big Ideas

  • Vocabulary
    • Food and shopping vocabulary
    • Restaurant vocabulary and phrases
    • House: rooms, items, types of housing
    • Vocabulary related to housework and cleaning
    • Date and seasons 
    • Weather
    • Travel vocabulary
    • Vacation and airport vocabulary
    • Driving and transportation vocabulary
    • Technology vocabulary
  • Grammar
    • Perfekt verb tense
    • Accusative and Dative pronouns 
    • The difference between wissen and kennen 
    • Two-Way prepositions
    • Präteritum verb tense
    • Compounds (da-, wo-, hin- her-)
    • Coordinating Conjunctions
    • Prepositions of location and use in a sentence
    • Infinitive expressions and clauses
    • Specific time expressions
    • Indefinite pronouns
    • Plusquamperfekt verb tense
    • Comparative and Superlative adjectives
    • Genitive Case
    • Demonstrative pronouns and use
  • Culture topics related to each vocabulary unit

Course Essential Questions

  • How does one talk about food in Germany? 
  • What are the cultural differences between foods in Germany and the USA? 
  • What words are used to describe the home and work that takes place in the house?
  • How does one navigate traveling to and through Germany? 
  • How does one discuss weather in the German language and what is the climate like in Germany? 
  • What is transportation like in Germany and how do you navigate around cities? 
  • What vocabulary is used for technology and media in Germany? 
  • How do you use various grammar concepts, i.e cases, verb tenses, pronouns, etc., to create more detailed and complex sentences and understand more of what is read and heard? 

Course Competencies

  • Reading for understanding and supporting details
  • Writing compound detailed sentences and short paragraphs
  • Active listening in the target language
  • Speaking in the target language in order to share personal and general information
  • Compare and contrast language and culture between the target country and other

Course Assignments

  • Formative and summative assessments done through: 
  • Teacher created vocabulary and grammar assessments
  • Teacher created speaking assessments
  • VHL Online assessments 

Course Units