German II
Course Description
In German II students will continue learning through a variety of activities. They will engage in listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities to grow in their abilities in the German language. Technology will again be used frequently in the course for practice and assessments.
Course Big Ideas
- Vocabulary
- Food and shopping vocabulary
- Restaurant vocabulary and phrases
- House: rooms, items, types of housing
- Vocabulary related to housework and cleaning
- Date and seasons
- Weather
- Travel vocabulary
- Vacation and airport vocabulary
- Driving and transportation vocabulary
- Technology vocabulary
- Grammar
- Perfekt verb tense
- Accusative and Dative pronouns
- The difference between wissen and kennen
- Two-Way prepositions
- Präteritum verb tense
- Compounds (da-, wo-, hin- her-)
- Coordinating Conjunctions
- Prepositions of location and use in a sentence
- Infinitive expressions and clauses
- Specific time expressions
- Indefinite pronouns
- Plusquamperfekt verb tense
- Comparative and Superlative adjectives
- Genitive Case
- Demonstrative pronouns and use
- Culture topics related to each vocabulary unit
Course Essential Questions
- How does one talk about food in Germany?
- What are the cultural differences between foods in Germany and the USA?
- What words are used to describe the home and work that takes place in the house?
- How does one navigate traveling to and through Germany?
- How does one discuss weather in the German language and what is the climate like in Germany?
- What is transportation like in Germany and how do you navigate around cities?
- What vocabulary is used for technology and media in Germany?
- How do you use various grammar concepts, i.e cases, verb tenses, pronouns, etc., to create more detailed and complex sentences and understand more of what is read and heard?
Course Competencies
- Reading for understanding and supporting details
- Writing compound detailed sentences and short paragraphs
- Active listening in the target language
- Speaking in the target language in order to share personal and general information
- Compare and contrast language and culture between the target country and other
Course Assignments
- Formative and summative assessments done through:
- Teacher created vocabulary and grammar assessments
- Teacher created speaking assessments
- VHL Online assessments
Course Units
- Unit 1: Essen (Food)
- Unit 2: Trautes Heim (Home)
- Unit 3: Urlaub und Ferien (Holiday and Vacation)
- Unit 4: Verkehrsmittel und Technologie
Unit 1: Essen (Food)
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Assessments
- Vocabulary
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- ACTFL Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- ACTFL Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- ACTFL Communication 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
- ACTFL Cultures 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- ACTFL Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
- Vocabulary related to food and eating: food, stores, describing food, meals and drinks, restaurant words and phrases.
- Accusative and Dative pronouns.
- The Perfekt verb tense (conversational past) .
- The verbs wissen and kennen with their conjugations and use.
- Two-way prepositions (accusative and dative cases).
- German foods and how they differ from region to region.
Understanding/Key Learning
- How to speak about food and meals in German.
- How to order food in a restaurant in German.
- How to use pronouns in the accusative and dative cases in place of nouns.
- How to form the Perfekt tense in German and use it correctly in a sentence.
- How to choose the proper word for “to know” in German, wissen or kennen, and the proper conjugation of those words.
- The definitions of the two-way prepositions and use the correct grammatical case after each prepositions.
- Comparisons between German foods and students’ food cultures at home.
- Speaking
- Students will be able to speak about food in a variety of ways, i.e. favorite food, ingredients, meal times, drinks, etc.
- Students will be able to verbally order food from a restaurant.
- Listening
- Students will be able to listen to questions related to food and restaurants and understand meaning to make appropriate responses.
- Students will be able to listen to conversations in a restaurant or kitchen and identify main and supporting details.
- Reading
- Students will be able to read menus, signs at grocery stores, ads for restaurants, etc.
- Students will be able to read short stories related to foods and restaurants.
- Writing
- Students will be able to create menus in German.
- Students will be able to write short conversations of interactions at a grocery store or restaurant.
Unit Essential Questions
Lesson Essential Questions
- What are basic food and drink vocabulary words in German?
- How does one order food in a restaurant with proper grammar and politeness?
- What are the similarities and differences between dishes and meals in Germany and the USA?
- What are the differences between foods in different areas of Germany?
- How is the Perfekt verb form created in German?
- How is the Perfekt verb used in a sentence to find proper word order?
- What are pronouns in the accusative and dative cases?
- What are the two-way prepositions and how does one know which case to use after them (accusative or dative)?
- Mosaik 1 Textbook and VHL Online site (as appropriate for vocabulary)
- Mosaik 2 Textbook and VHL Online side (as appropriate for grammar)
- Teacher created handout and activities
- Teacher created assessments such as vocabulary and grammar quizzes, projects, speaking activities, etc.
- Websites for vocabulary practice such as: Quizlet, Blooket, Kahoot, Schoology, Moodle, etc.
Additional Vocabulary that relates will be added as needed.
- Two-way prepositions
- allein
- alone
- die Ananas,-
- pineapple
- anfangen
- to begin
- ankommen
- to arrive
- anrufen
- to call
- der Apfel, ¨
- apple
- die Artischocke, -n
- artichoke
- die Aubergine, -n
- eggplant
- aufstehen
- to get up
- ausgehen
- to go out
- die Bäckerei, -en
- bakery
- die Banane, -n
- banana
- beantworten
- to answer
- besprechen
- to discuss
- bestellen
- to order
- bestimmt
- definitely
- besuchen
- to visit
- bezahlen
- to pay (for)
- die Birne, -n
- pear
- das Brot, -e
- bread
- das Brötchen,-
- roll
- die Butter
- butter
- da
- there
- dort
- there
- drüben
- over there
- das Ei, -er
- egg
- einkaufen
- to shop
- einkaufen gehen
- to go shopping
- einschlafen
- to fall asleep
- die Eisdiele, -n
- ice cream shop
- die Erdbeere, -n
- strawberry
- erklären
- to explain
- das Feinkostgeschäft, -e
- delicatessen
- das Fischgeschäft, -e
- fish store
- die Garnele, -n
- shrimp
- die grüne Bohne (pl. die grünen Bohnen)
- green bean
- die grüne Paprika (pl. die grünen Paprika)
- green pepper
- das Hähnchen,-
- chicken
- hier
- here
- die Himbeere, -n
- raspberry
- immer
- always
- jetzt
- now
- der Joghurt, -s
- yogurt
- die Karotte, -n
- carrot
- die Kartoffel, -n
- potato
- der Käse,-
- cheese
- der Knoblauch
- garlic
- die Konditorei, -en
- pastry shop
- der Kuchen,-
- cake; pie
- das Lebensmittelgeschäft, -e
- grocery store
- leider
- unfortunately
- der Markt, ¨-e
- market
- die Marmelade, -n
- jam
- die Meeresfrüchte (pl.)
- seafood
- die Melone, -n
- melon
- die Metzgerei, -en
- butcher shop
- mitbringen
- to bring along
- mitkommen
- to come along
- mögen
- to like
- nie
- never
- oft
- often
- das Öl, -e
- oil
- das Olivenöl, -e
- olive oil
- die Orange, -n
- orange
- die Pasta
- pasta
- der Pfeffer
- pepper
- der Pfirsich, -e
- peach
- der Pilz, -e
- mushroom
- der Reis
- rice
- das Rezept, -e
- recipe
- das Rindfleisch
- beef
- die rote Paprika (pl. die roten Paprika)
- red pepper
- der Salat, -e
- lettuce; salad
- der Schinken,-
- ham
- das Schweinefleisch
- pork
- selten
- rarely
- der Supermarkt, ¨-e
- supermarket
- täglich
- daily
- der Thunfisch
- tuna
- die Tomate, -n
- tomato
- die Traube, -n
- grape
- überall
- everywhere
- überlegen
- to think over
- verbringen
- to spend (time)
- verkaufen
- to sell
- vielleicht
- maybe
- vorbereiten
- to prepare
- vorstellen
- to introduce
- wiederholen
- to repeat
- woanders
- somewhere else
- das Würstchen,-
- sausage
- zurückkommen
- to come back
- zuschauen
- to watch
- die Zutat, -en
- ingredient
- die Zwiebel, -n
- onion
- das Abendessen
- dinner
- auf Diät sein
- to be on a diet
- aus
- from
- außer
- except for
- bei
- at; near; with
- die Beilage, -n
- side dish
- das Besteck
- silverware
- das Bier
- beer
- der erste/zweite Gang, ¨-
- first/second course
- der Esslöffel,-
- soup spoon
- fade
- bland
- die Flasche, -n
- bottle
- das Frühstück
- breakfast
- die Gabel, -n
- fork
- das Gericht, -e
- dish
- der Geschmack, ¨-e
- flavor; taste
- das Glas, ¨-er
- glass
- die Hauptspeise, -n
- main course
- hausgemacht
- homemade
- Ich hätte gern(e)… / Ich möchte
- I would like...
- der Kaffee
- coffee
- der Kellner, - / die Kellnerin, -nen
- waiter / waitress
- der Koch, ¨-e / die Köchin, -nen
- cook
- lecker
- delicious
- leicht
- light
- das Messer,-
- knife
- die Milch
- milk
- das Mineralwasser
- sparkling water
- mit
- with
- das Mittagessen
- lunch
- nach
- after; to
- der Nachtisch, -e
- dessert
- die Rechnung, -en
- check
- der Saft, ¨-e
- juice
- das Salz
- salt
- salzig
- salty
- scharf
- spicy
- schmecken
- to taste
- schwer
- rich; heavy
- seit
- since; for
- die Serviette, -n
- napkin
- der Snack, -s
- snack
- die Speisekarte, -n
- menu
- das stille Wasser
- still water
- die Suppe, -n
- soup
- süß
- sweet
- die Tasse, -n
- cup
- der Tee
- tea
- der Teelöffel,-
- teaspoon
- der Teller,-
- plate
- die Tischdecke, -n
- tablecloth
- das Trinkgeld
- tip
- von
- from
- die Vorspeise, -n
- appetizer
- der Wein
- wine
- zu
- to; for; at
Unit 2: Trautes Heim (Home)
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Assessments
- Vocabulary
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- ACTFL Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- ACTFL Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- ACTFL Communication 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
- ACTFL Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- ACTFL Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
- Vocabulary for the house: rooms, furniture, places to live.
- Vocabulary for housework, additional household items, cleaning vocabulary.
- Difference and use between the Perfekt and Präteritum past tenses in German.
- Learn the Präteritum past tense (narrative past).
- Coordinating conjunctions and their use.
- The following compounds: da-, wo-, hin-, and her- and their use.
Understanding/Key Learning
- How to describe the rooms in a home as well as various objects found in those rooms.
- How to describe household chores and items needed to complete those tasks.
- When are the Perfekt and Präteritum past verb tenses used?
- How is the Präteritum verb tense form created and used in a sentence?
- What are the coordinating conjunctions, and how are they used to combine clauses.
- Using compounds (da-, wo-, hin-, her-) to express information or ask a question related to a pronoun.
- Speaking
- Students will be able to speak about their homes and describe their dream house.
- Students will be able to share about their personal household chores.
- Listening
- Students will listen to video and audio clips to pick out and identify information related to the house.
- Students will listen to each other and the teacher speak about the home and events that take place in a home. Students will identify important information after listening.
- Reading
- Students will read stories and texts related to the home and identify main and supporting details.
- Writing
- Students will write about what they did in the house.
- Students will create their dream house and write descriptions of each room.
Unit Essential Questions
- How does one describe the home and activities related to taking care of a home?
- How does one form the Präteritum verb tense and how does it compare to the Perfekt?
- What are da-, wo-, hin-, and her- compounds and how are they used in a sentence?
- What are coordinating conjunctions and how are they used?
Lesson Essential Questions
- How does one describe one’s home with the rooms and items found inside?
- How does one describe various places where people live?
- How does one speak about housework and chores in German?
- How is the Präteritum verb tense formed in German and how is it used in a sentence?
- How does one ask about objects as part of prepositional phrases when not using the nouns?
- How does one combine clauses using coordinating conjunctions?
Additional Vocabulary that relates will be added as needed.
- aber
- but
- arbeiten/er arbeitete
- to work/he worked
- das Arbeitszimmer,-
- home office
- die Badewanne, -n
- bathtub
- das Badezimmer,-
- bathroom
- der Balkon, - e
- balcony
- beginnen/er begann
- to begin/he began
- das Bett, -en
- bed
- das Bild, -er
- picture
- bleiben/er blieb
- to stay/he stayed
- die Blume, -n
- flower
- der Boden, ¨-
- floor
- bringen/er brachte/er hat gebracht
- to bring/he brought
- das Bücherregal, -e
- bookshelf
- der Dachboden, ¨-
- attic
- dafür
- for it/them
- daher
- from there/that place
- dahin
- to there/that place
- daran
- about it; on it
- darauf
- for it; on it
- darin
- therein; in it
- davon
- from it/that; of it/that/this/these/them
- davor
- before it/that
- denken/er dachte/er hat gedacht
- to think/he thought
- denn
- for, because
- du hattest
- you had
- du mochtest
- you liked
- du musstest
- you had to
- du warst
- you were
- du wurdest
- you were/became
- er/sie/es hatte
- he/she/it had
- er/sie/es mochte
- he/she/it liked
- er/sie/es musste
- he/she/it had to
- er/sie/es war
- he/she/it was
- er/sie/es wurde
- he/she/it was/became
- das Erdgeschoss, -e
- ground floor
- der erste/ zweite Stock
- first/second floor
- essen/er aß
- to eat/he ate
- das Esszimmer,-
- dining room
- fahren/er fuhr
- to drive/he drove
- finden/er fand
- to find/he found
- der Flur, -e
- hall
- die Garage, -n
- garage
- geben/er gab
- to give/he gave
- gefallen/er gefiel
- to please/he was pleased
- gehen/er ging
- to go/he went
- das Haus, ¨-er
- house
- helfen/er half
- to help/he helped
- herauf
- up/upwards (towards the speaker)
- heraus
- out (towards the speaker)
- herein
- in (towards the speaker)
- herunter
- down/downwards (toward the speaker)
- hinauf
- up/upwards (away from the speaker)
- hinaus
- out (away from the speaker)
- ich hatte
- I had
- ich mochte
- I liked
- ich musste
- I had to
- ich war
- I was
- ich wurde
- der Staubsauger,-
- vacuum cleaner
- der Toaster,-
- toaster
- der Topf, ¨-e
- pot
- umtauschen (tauscht... um)
- to exchange
- umziehen, ist umgezogen
- to move/moved
- verkaufen, verkauft
- to sell/sold
- verschmutzen, verschmutzt
- to dirty/dirtied
- verstehen, verstanden
- to understand/understood
- vorstellen, vorgestellt
- to introduce/introduced
- die Wäsche
- laundry
- Wäsche waschen
- to do laundry
- waschen (wäscht), wusch, gewaschen
- to wash (he washes)/washed/(has)washed
- der Wäschetrockner,-
- dryer
- die Waschmaschine, -n
- washing machine
- wegräumen (räumt... weg)
- to put away
- wischen
- to wipe; to mop
- wissen (weiß), wusste, gewusst
- to know (he knows)/knew/(has) known
- I was/became
- ihr hattet
- you (inf.) had
- ihr mochtet
- you liked
- ihr musstet
- you (inf.) had to
- ihr wart
- you (inf.) were
- ihr wurdet
- you (inf.) were/became
- der Keller,-
- cellar
- kennen/er kannte/er hat gekannt
- to be acquainted with/he was acquainted with
- kommen/er kam
- to come/he came
- die Kommode, -n
- dresser
- die Küche, -n
- kitchen
- die Lampe, -n
- lamp
- lesen/er las
- to read/he read
- liegen/er lag
- to lie (be located)/he lay
- mieten
- to rent
- das Möbelstück, -e
- piece of furniture
- nach rechts/links
- to the right/left
- der Nachttisch, -e
- night table
- nehmen/er nahm
- to take/he took
- oder
- or
- die Pflanze, -n
- plant
- das Poster,-
- poster
- sagen/er sagte
- to speak/he spoke
- schlafen/er schlief
- to sleep/he slept
- das Schlafzimmer,-
- bedroom
- der Schrank, ¨-e
- cabinet; closet
- schreiben/er schrieb
- to write/he wrote
- die Schublade, -n
- drawer
- sehen/er sah
- to see/he saw
- der Sessel,-
- armchair
- sie/Sie hatten
- they/you (form.) had
- Sie/sie mochten
- you (form.)/they liked
- sie/Sie mussten
- they/you (form.) had to
- sie/Sie waren
- they/you (form.) were
- sie/Sie wurden
- they/you (form.) were/became
- das Sofa, -s
- sofa
- sondern
- but rather, instead
- der Spiegel,-
- mirror
- sprechen/er sprach
- to speak/he spoke
- sterben/er starb
- to die/he died
- der Teppich, -e
- rug
- die Toilette, -n
- toilet
- tragen/er trug
- to wear/he wore
- die Treppe, -n
- stairway
- trinken/er trank
- to drink/he drank
- umziehen (zieht… um)
- to move
- und
- and
- die Vase, -n
- vase
- verstehen/er verstand
- to understand/he understood
- der Vorhang, ¨-e
- curtain
- die Wand, ¨-e
- wall
- wir hatten
- we had
- wir mochten
- we liked
- wir mussten
- we had to
- wir waren
- we were
- wir wurden
- we were/became
- wissen/er wusste/er hat gewusst
- to know/he knew
- wofür
- what for
- wohnen
- to live
- wohnen/er wohnte
- to live/he lived
- das Wohnheim, -e
- dorm
- die Wohnung, -en
- apartment
- das Wohnzimmer,-
- living room
- woran
- about what
- worauf
- at which; (up)on which
- worin
- in what; wherein
- wovon
- from what/which
- wovor
- in front of what
- anrufen, angerufen
- to call/called
- aufräumen (räumt… auf)
- to clean up
- ausgehen, ist ausgegangen
- to go out/went out
- bedeuten, bedeutet
- to mean/meant
- beginnen, begonnen
- to begin/began
- der Besen,-
- broom
- besuchen, besucht
- to visit/visited
- das Bett machen
- to make the bed
- die Bettdecke, - n
- duvet
- bezahlen, bezahlt
- to pay/paid
- bringen, brachte, gebracht
- to bring/brought/(has) brought
- das Bügelbrett, -er
- ironing board
- das Bügeleisen,-
- iron
- bügeln
- to iron
- die Decke, -n
- blanket
- den Müll rausbringen
- to take out the trash
- den Tisch decken
- to set the table
- denken, dachte, gedacht
- to think/thought/(has) thought
- dreckig
- filthy
- einkaufen, eingekauft
- to shop/shopped
- entdecken
- to discover
- entdecken, entdeckt
- to discover/discovered
- erklären, erklärt
- to explain/explained
- Es ist ein Saustall!
- It’s a pigsty!
- essen (isst), aß, gegessen
- to eat (he eats)/ate/(has) eaten
- fegen
- to sweep
- der Gefrierschrank, ¨-e
- freezer
- gehören, gehört
- to belong (to)/belonged (to)
- Geschirr (n.) spülen
- to do the dishes
- helfen (hilft), half, geholfen
- to help (he helps)/helped/(has) helped
- der Herd, -e
- stove
- die Kaffeemaschine, -n
- coffeemaker
- das Kissen,-
- pillow
- der Kühlschrank, ¨-e
- refrigerator
- das Laken,-
- sheet
- die Mikrowelle, -n
- microwave
- mitbringen, mitgebracht
- to bring with/brought with
- nehmen (nimmt), nahm, genommen
- to take (he takes)/took/(has) taken
- der Ofen, ¨-
- oven
- ordentlich
- tidy
- die Pfanne, -n
- pan
- putzen
- to clean
- sauber
- clean
- schlafen (schläft), schlief, geschlafen
- to sleep (he sleeps)/slept/(has) slept
- schmutzig
- dirty
- sitzen, saß, gesessen
- to sit/sat/(has)sat
- die Spüle, -n
- kitchen sink
- die Spülmaschine, -n
- dishwasher
- staubsaugen
- to vacuum
Unit 3: Urlaub und Ferien (Holiday and Vacation)
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Assessments
- Vocabulary
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- ACTFL Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- ACTFL Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- ACTFL Communication 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
- ACTFL Cultures 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- ACTFL Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
- Vocabulary related to date, weather, and seasons
- Vocabulary related to travel including: vacations, at the airport, and travel accommodations
- Review of the Präteritum
- Sentence structure for prepositional phrases
- Use of Infinitive expressions and clauses
- Additional time expressions
- The use of indefinite pronouns to replace specific nouns
- Cultural topics related to the climate in Germany, specific airports and travel options in Germany.
Understanding/Key Learning
- How to describe the weather in German including the season
- How to tell specific time and date information in German
- How to use travel vocabulary in context of airports and looking for overnight accommodations
- Use of Präteritum in sentences specifically with separable and inseparable prefix verbs
- Learn and be able to use infinitive expressions and clauses accurately
- How to speak with specialized time expressions to express when something happens
- How to use indefinite pronouns (i.e. nothing, something, everything) correctly in a sentence
- Understand cultural topics related to climate and traveling in Germany
- Speaking
- Students will be able to describe current and past weather conditions.
- Students will be able to speak about a vacation and ask questions about others’ vacations.
- Listening
- Students will be able to listen to weather reports and understand information for choosing clothing and activities.
- Students will be able to listen to people speaking in German about vacations and answer questions about what they hear.
- Reading
- Students will be able to read about weather and vacations, in order to identify main and supporting details.
- Students will be able to read cultural information in German.
- Writing
- Students will be able to write about the weather in German.
- Students will be able to write about traveling in Germany and plan a vacation using vocabulary and grammar learned.
Unit Essential Questions
- How does one speak about weather and weather reports in German?
- How does one speak about vacations and needed accommodations in German?
- How does one use infinitive clauses to express more detailed information in German?
- Compare and contrast cultural topics, such as climate, airports, and accommodations?
Lesson Essential Questions
- How does one speak about current and past weather conditions?
- How does one share about planned and future vacations?
- How does one use infinitive phrases to express oneself and give more information?
- How does one use specific time expressions to communicate with others?
- How does the climate in Germany compare to the climate in Pennsylvania?
Additional Vocabulary that relates will be added as needed.
- Der 15. August.
- The 15th of August.
- Am 23. Mai.
- May 23rd.
- die Angst, -¨e
- fear
- anschauen (schaut... an)
- to look at
- der April
- April
- der August
- August
- der Blitz, -e
- lightning
- der Dezember
- December
- der Donner,-
- thunder
- erfinden
- to invent
- erkennen
- to recognize
- erzählen
- to tell
- Es ist heiß.
- It’s hot.
- Es ist kalt.
- It’s cold.
- Es ist kühl.
- It’s cool.
- Es ist schön draußen.
- It's nice out.
- Es ist sonnig.
- It’s sunny.
- Es ist windig.
- It’s windy.
- Es ist wolkig.
- It’s cloudy.
- Es regnet.
- It’s raining.
- Es schneit.
- It’s snowing.
- Es sind 18 Grad draußen.
- It's 18 degrees out.
- der Februar
- February
- der Frühling, -e
- spring
- das Gewitter,-
- thunderstorm
- der Hagel
- hail
- handeln von
- to be about, to have to do with
- der Herbst, -e
- fall
- das Jahr, -e
- year
- die Jahreszeit, -en
- season
- der Januar
- January
- der Juli
- July
- der Juni
- June
- der Mai
- May
- der März
- March
- der Monat, -e
- month
- der Nebel,-
- fog; mist
- der November
- November
- der Oktober
- October
- reden
- to talk
- der Regen
- rain
- der Regenmantel, ¨-
- raincoat
- der Regenschirm, -e
- umbrella
- schauen
- to look
- der Schnee
- snow
- der September
- September
- der Sommer,-
- summer
- der Sturm, ¨-e
- storm
- der Tag, -e
- day
- träumen
- to dream
- Wann hast du Geburtstag?
- When is your birthday?
- Welcher Tag ist heute?
- What day is it today?
- Das Wetter ist gut/ schlecht.
- The weather is nice/bad.
- der Wetterbericht, -e
- weather report
- Wie ist das Wetter?
- What's the weather like?
- Wie warm/kalt ist es?
- How warm/cold is it?
- der Winter,-
- winter
- die Woche, -n
- week
- die Wolke, -n
- cloud
- abbrechen (bricht… ab)
- to cancel
- abfliegen (fliegt… ab)
- to take off
- der Abflug
- departure
- alles
- everything
- die Ankunft
- arrival
- der Ausgang ¨-e
- exit
- das Ausland
- abroad
- die Bordkarte, -n
- boarding pass
- buchen
- to make a (hotel) reservation
- die Businessklasse
- business class
- danach
- after that
- dann
- then
- dauern
- to last
- diesmal
- this time
- einmal
- once
- das erste Mal
- the first time
- etwas
- something
- der Fahrstuhl, ¨-e
- elevator
- fliegen
- to fly
- der Flug, ¨-e
- flight
- das Flugticket, -s
- ticket
- das Flugzeug, -e
- airplane
- der Gast, ¨-e
- (hotel) guest
- das Gepäck
- luggage
- das Handgepäck
- carry-on luggage
- das (Fünf-Sterne-) Hotel
- (five-star) hotel
- jemand
- someone
- die Jugendherberge, -n
- youth hostel
- eine Karte lesen
- to read a map
- der Koffer,-
- suitcase
- die Kreuzfahrt, -en
- cruise
- landen
- to land
- das Mal, -e
- time
- man
- one
- manchmal
- sometimes
- das Meer, -e
- sea; ocean
- nichts
- nothing
- niemals
- never
- niemand
- no one
- ohne… zu
- without
- packen
- to pack
- der Passagier, -e
- passenger
- die Passkontrolle, -n
- passport control
- der Personalausweis, -e
- ID card
- pünktlich
- on time
- die Reise, -n
- trip
- das Reisebüro, -s
- travel agency
- der Reisende, -n
- traveler
- Schlange stehen
- to stand in line
- schließlich
- finally
- der Schlüssel,-
- key
- der Skiurlaub, -e
- ski vacation
- (an)statt… zu
- instead of
- der Strand, ¨-e
- beach
- die Touristenklasse
- economy class
- übernachten
- to spend the night
- um… zu
- in order to
- Urlaub machen
- to go on vacation
- die Verspätung, -en
- delay
- versuchen
- to try
- das Visum (pl. die Visa)
- visa
- voll besetzt
- fully occupied
- wichtig
- important
- die Zeitung, -en
- newspaper
- der Zimmerservice
- room service
- der Zoll
- customs
- zuerst
- first
- zuletzt
- last
- zum ersten/letzten Mal
Unit 4: Verkehrsmittel und Technologie
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Assessments
- Vocabulary
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- ACTFL Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- ACTFL Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- ACTFL Communication 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
- ACTFL Cultures 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- ACTFL Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
- Vocabulary related to driving, modes of transportation, and public transportation.
- Vocabulary related to using technology and types of technology.
- Learn and use the Plusquamperfekt verb tense.
- Comparative and Superlative of adjectives.
- The Genitive Case and genitive prepositions.
- Demonstrative pronouns and how to use them in place of nouns in a sentence.
- Using Der- Words in place of definitive and indefinite articles.
- Cultural topics related to transportation and technology.
Understanding/Key Learning
- How to use transportation vocabulary to navigate around a city and the country.
- How to speak about various forms of technology and their individual parts.
- How to speak and write using the Plusquamperfekt verb tense.
- How to create and use comparative and superlative forms of adjectives in sentences.
- How to use the Genitive Case and Genitive prepositions to express possession and other information.
- How to use demonstrative pronouns to replace objects in a sentence.
- How to use Der- Words and decline them correctly with nouns in various cases.
- What is the Autobahn and what are related details.
- What types of media exist in Germany and what are some of the largest countries.
- Speaking
- Students will be able to talk about driving and needs for a car.
- Students will be able to discuss forms of public transportation.
- Students will be able to speak with adjectives in the comparative or superlative.
- Listening
- Students will be able to listen to stories, videos, and audio clips about driving and transportation to identify needed information for traveling.
- Students will be able to understand and answer questions asked verbally with appropriate answers.
- Reading
- Students will read about all topics in German and be able to identify main and supporting details.
- Writing
- Students will be able to write short stories and paragraphs about transportation and technology use in their own lives.
- Students will be able to write about cultural topics in German.
Unit Essential Questions
Lesson Essential Questions
- What are different vocabulary words related to driving and transportation?
- What are the different forms of transportation in Germany?
- What vocabulary is used to describe various forms of technology?
- How to discuss using technology in everyday life?
- How does one use the Genitive case articles and prepositions to enhance writing and conversation?
- How does one create the comparative and superlative of adjectives in order to more accurately express what is occurring?
- How does one use Der- Words to give information in place of definitive articles?
- How does one use demonstrative pronouns in the place of nouns referring to objects?
- What can we learn about the German highway system?
Additional Vocabulary that relates will be added as needed.
- abfahren (fährt... ab)
- to leave, depart
- als
- when
- das Auto, -s
- car
- die Autobahn, -en
- highway
- der Bahnsteig, -e
- track; platform
- benutzen
- to use
- das Benzin
- gas
- besser
- better
- best-
- best
- das Boot, -e
- boat
- die Bremse, -n
- brakes
- der Bus, -se
- bus
- die Bushaltestelle, -n
- bus stop
- das Bußgeld, -er
- fine
- dumm
- dumb
- (die Fahrkarte) entwerten
- to validate (a ticket)
- die erste/zweite Klasse, -n
- first/second class
- der Fahrer, - / die Fahrerin, -nen
- driver
- der Fahrkartenschalter,-
- ticket office
- der Fahrplan, ¨-e
- schedule
- das Fahrrad, ¨-er
- bicycle
- geradeaus fahren
- to go straight ahead
- der Kofferraum, ¨-e
- trunk
- das Lenkrad, ¨-er
- steering wheel
- lieber
- more preferably
- liebst-
- most preferable
- der LKW, -s
- truck
- der Mechaniker, - / die Mechanikerin, -nen
- mechanic
- mehr
- more
- meist-
- most
- der Motor, -en
- engine
- die Motorhaube, -n
- hood
- nachdem
- after
- das Nummernschild, -er
- license plate
- das Öl, -e
- oil
- parken
- to park
- einen Platten haben
- to have a flat tire
- der Polizist, -en / die Polizistin, -nen
- police officer
- rechts/links abbiegen (biegt... ab)
- to turn right/left
- reparieren
- to repair
- der Schaffner,-
- ticket collector
- der Scheibenwischer,-
- windshield wiper
- der Scheinwerfer,-
- headlight
- das Schiff, -e
- ship
- der Sicherheitsgurt, -e
- seatbelt
- (genau)so… wie
- (just) as… as
- die Straße, -n
- street
- tanken
- to fill up
- die Tankstelle, -n
- gas station
- das Taxi, -s
- taxi
- die U-Bahn, -en
- subway
- einen Unfall haben
- to have an accident
- der Verkehr
- traffic
- die Windschutzscheibe, -n
- windshield
- der Zug, ¨-e
- train
- alle
- all
- anmachen (macht... an)
- to turn on
- aufnehmen (nimmt... auf)
- to record
- ausmachen (macht... aus)
- to turn off
- außerhalb
- outside of
- der Benutzername, -n
- screen name
- der Bildschirm, -e
- screen
- die Datei, -en
- file
- deren (plural)
- theirs
- dessen (neut.)
- its
- dieser/diese/dieses
- this; that
- die Digitalkamera, -s
- digital camera
- das Dokument, -e
- document
- to print
- der Drucker,-
- printer
- die E-Mail, -s
- die Fernbedienung, -en
- remote control
- fernsehen (sieht... fern)
- to watch television
- der Fernseher,-
- television
- die Festplatte, -n
- hard drive
- funktionieren
- to work, to function
- das Handy, -s
- cell phone
- der Herr, -en
- gentleman
- herunterladen (lädt... herunter)
- to download
- im Internet surfen
- to surf the Web
- innerhalb
- inside of / within
- jeder/jede/jedes
- each, every
- klingeln
- to ring
- der Kopfhörer,-
- headphones
- das Ladegerät, -e
- battery charger
- der Laptop, -s
- laptop (computer)
- löschen
- to delete
- mancher/manche/manches
- some
- die Maus, ¨-e
- mouse
- das Mikrofon, -e
- microphone
- online sein
- to be online
- das Passwort, ¨-er
- password
- das Programm, -e
- program
- schicken
- to send
- der Sender,-
- channel
- das Smartphone, -s
- smartphone
- die SMS,-
- text message
- solcher/solche/solches
- such
- speichern
- to save
- die Spielkonsole, -n
- game console
- starten
- to start
- (an)statt
- instead of
- die Stereoanlage, -n
- stereo system
- das Tablet, -s
- tablet
- die Tastatur, -en
- keyboard
- das Telefon, -e
- telephone
- trotz
- despite / in spite of
- während
- during
- die Website, -s
- Web site
- wegen
- because of
- wessen?
- whose?