German I
Course Description
In German I students will begin listening, speaking, reading, and writing in German. They will participate in a variety of activities each day. Technology is used frequently in the course for practice and assessments.
Course Big Ideas
- Vocabulary
- Introductory active vocabulary
- Introducing oneself and holding basic conversations
- Alphabet and Numbers in German
- School related objects and subjects
- Interrogative Words
- Date and time vocabulary
- Sports and Leisure activities
- Family vocabulary
- Descriptive vocabulary
- Holiday and celebration vocabulary
- Clothing and basic shopping
- Grammar
- Nouns: Genders, articles, plurals
- Verb conjugations in the present tense
- Nominative, Accusative, and Dative Cases
- Prepositions for Accusative and Dative Cases
- Culture topics related to each vocabulary unit
Course Essential Questions
- How does one learn to speak in German about given topics?
- How does one use grammar and vocabulary in the proper context to convey information to others through speaking and writing?
- How does one listen to a variety of people speaking in German and gain the needed information?
- How do Germany and the USA compare in various cultural areas?
Course Competencies
- Reading for understanding
- Writing simple sentences and short paragraphs
- Active listening in the target language
- Speaking in the target language in order to share personal and general information
- Compare and contrast language and culture between the target country and other
Course Assignments
- Formative and summative assessments done through:
- Teacher created vocabulary and grammar assessments
- Teacher created speaking assessments
- VHL Online assessments
Course Units
- Unit 0: TPR Base Vocabulary (Unit 0/Introductory)
- Unit 1: Hallo! Wie Gehts’? (Greetings and Introductions)
- Unit 2: Schule und Stadium (School and Studies)
- Unit 3: Famile und Freunde (Family and Friends)
- Unit 4: Feiern (Holidays)
Unit 0: TPR Base Vocabulary (Unit 0/Introductory)
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Vocabulary
- Assessments
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- ACTFL Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- ACTFL Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- ACTFL Communication 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
- ACTFL Cultures 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
Understanding/Key Learning
- English and German share some vocabulary (cognates).
- English and German share similar sound structures for pronunciation, but also have some differences.
- English and German share similar sentence structures.
- Understand German Commands for informal speech.
- Understand plural informal commands are the same verb forms as conjugations in the third person singular.
- Listening
- Students will be able to listen to commands and physically respond correctly.
- Students will be able to listen to a story using vocabulary and understand what is happening.
- Students will be able to answer simple questions using the vocabulary
- Speaking
- Students will be able to repeat vocabulary with approximate pronunciation.
- Students will be able to respond verbally to simple yes/no and one word answer questions.
- Reading
- Students will be able to read short stories using the vocabulary.
- Writing
- Students will be able to translate vocabulary with accurate spelling.
- Students will be able answer questions in simple sentences.
- Students will be able to write basic sentences in German individually and in short creative stories.
Unit Essential Questions
Lesson Essential Questions
- Steht auf!
- Rennt!
- schnell
- langsam
- Setzt euch hin!
- Zeigt auf den Bleistift/Kuli!
- Zeigt auf das Papier!
- er/sie bringt
- Zeigt auf die Schokolade aus Deutschland/Amerika!
- Sagt die Nummern: eins, zwei, drei!
- die Nummer
- Iss die Schokolade!
- der/den Finger, Kuli, Bleistift, Computer
- Das ist gut!
- nimmt
- das T-Shirt
- schwimmt
- fragt
- geht
- tanzt
- klatscht
- springt
- lacht
- weint
- sieht
- singt
- laut
- leise
- einmal, zweimal
- gut
- er/sie schlägt ihn/sie
- Schreit!
- schlecht
- Trinkt!
- das Wasser
- die Limo
- er/sie tritt
- die Cola
- Schreibt!
- … den Namen
- … das Alphabet
- der/ein Junge
- das/ein Mädchen
- Er/sie ist ein Junge/Mädchen.
Unit 1: Hallo! Wie Gehts’? (Greetings and Introductions)
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Assessments
- Vocabulary
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- ACTFL Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- ACTFL Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- ACTFL Communication 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
- ACTFL Cultures 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- ACTFL Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
- Vocabulary needed to introduce oneself and hold personal informative conversations
- Alphabet and numbers in German
- Subject pronouns and genders/articles in the nominative and accusative cases
- Conjugation of the verbs sein and haben in the present tense
- Classroom vocabulary
- Cultural concepts including polite phrases in different regions, formal/informal speech, and the German school system
Understanding/Key Learning
- The difference between the genders (categories) of nouns in German and how to use them correctly.
- The difference between the formal and informal speech in German
- How to conjugate the irregular verbs sein and haben in German for all subject pronouns.
- Identification of subjects and direct objects.
- The structure of sentences related to verbs and the nominative and accusative grammatical cases.
- How to introduce oneself and share information in different regions of Germany.
- How to express basic classroom vocabulary.
- How the traditional German school system is structured.
- Listening
- Students will be able to listen to authentic texts and identify learned vocabulary.
- Students will be able to listen to vocabulary spoken by classmates to learn about each other.
- Speaking
- Students will be able to greet others and introduce themselves with basic information.
- Students will be able to hold a simple back and forth conversation with classmates.
- Students will be able to share about school items.
- Reading
- Students will be able to read questions and respond correctly.
- Students will be able to read simple conversations and stories using learned vocabulary.
- Writing
- Students will be able to write simple conversations using learned vocabulary.
- Students will be able to write simple sentences about objects in a classroom.
Unit Essential Questions
Lesson Essential Questions
- How do you greet others in various areas of Germany?
- How do you use correct formal or informal questions/speech?
- How do you greet and introduce yourself appropriately?
- How do you respond to questions correctly, such as “How are you?”
- How do you conjugate the verbs sein and haben to describe people and possessions?
- What are subjects and direct objects and which cases apply?
- What are the genders of nouns in German and the articles that apply?
- How does one share what objects are found in the classroom?
Additional Vocabulary that relates will be added as needed. Also students will learn all numbers from 1-100 and how to spell them.
- Alles klar?
- Is everything OK?
- Auf Wiedersehen.
- Good-bye.
- Bis bald./Bis gleich.
- See you soon.
- Bis dann./Bis später.
- See you later.
- Bis morgen.
- See you tomorrow.
- Bitte.
- Please./You’re welcome.
- da / dort
- there
- Danke.
- Thank you.
- du
- you
- Entschuldigen Sie.
- Excuse me. (form.)
- Entschuldigung.
- Excuse me.
- er
- he/it
- es
- it
- Es geht.
- So-so.
- Es tut mir leid.
- I’m sorry.
- Frau
- Mrs.; Ms.
- die Frau, -en
- woman
- der Freund, -e /die Freundin, -nen
- friend
- Freut mich./Angenehm.
- Pleased to meet you.
- Gern geschehen.
- My pleasure.
- Gute Nacht.
- Good night.
- Guten Abend.
- Good evening.
- Guten Morgen.
- Good morning.
- Hallo./Guten Tag.
- Hello.
- Herr
- Mr.
- hier
- here
- ich
- I
- Ich heiße…
- My name is…
- ihr
- you
- Das ist…/Das sind…
- This is…/These are…
- ja
- yes
- der Junge, -n
- boy
- das Mädchen,-
- girl
- der Mann, ¨-er
- man
- Mir auch.
- Me, too.
- Mir geht’s (sehr) gut.
- I’m (very) well.
- Mir geht’s nicht (so) gut.
- I’m not (so) well.
- nein
- no
- Prima.
- Great.
- (Nicht) schlecht.
- (Not) bad.
- Schön dich/Sie kennen zu lernen.
- Nice to meet you. (inf./form.)
- Schönen Tag noch!
- Have a nice day!
- Sehr gut.
- Very well.
- sie
- they
- Tschüss.
- Bye.
- Und dir/Ihnen?
- And you?
- Und du/Sie?
- And you? (inf./form.)
- Vielen Dank.
- Thank you very much.
- Wie geht es Ihnen?
- How are you? (form.)
- Wie geht’s (dir)?
- How are you? (inf.)
- Wie heißen Sie?
- What is your name? (form.)
- Wie heißt du?
- What is your name? (inf.)
- wir
- we
- wo?
- where?
- Ziemlich gut.
- Fine.
- aber
- but
- die Bibliothek, -en
- library
- das Blatt Papier, (pl. Blätter Papier)
- sheet of paper
- der Bleistift, -e
- pencil
- das Buch, ¨-er
- book
- der Computer,-
- computer
- Da ist/sind…
- There is/are…
- das Ergebnis, -se
- result; score
- das Fenster,-
- window
- das Foto, -s
- photo
- die Frage, -n
- question
- die Hausaufgabe, -n
- homework
- das Heft, -e
- notebook
- Hier ist/sind…
- Here is/are…
- Ist/Sind… hier?
- Is/Are there… here?
- der Kalender,-
- calendar
- die Karte, -n
- map
- die Klasse, -n
- class
- der Klassenkamerad, -en /die Klassenkameradin, -nen
- (K-12) classmate
- das Klassenzimmer,-
- classroom
- der Kommilitone, -n /die Kommilitonin, -nen
- (university) classmate
- der Kuli, -s
- ball-point pen
- das Lehrbuch, ¨-er
- (university) textbook
- der Lehrer, - /die Lehrerin, -nen
- teacher
- die Mensa, Mensen
- (university) cafeteria
- die Note, -n
- grade (on an assignment)
- die Notiz, -en
- note
- oder
- or
- der Papierkorb, ¨-e
- wastebasket
- das Problem, -e
- problem
- der Professor, -en /die Professorin, -nen
- professor
- die Prüfung, -en
- test; exam
- der Radiergummi, -s
- eraser
- der Rucksack, ¨-e
- backpack
- die Sache, -n
- thing
- der Schreibtisch, -e
- desk
- das Schulbuch, ¨-er
- (K–12) textbook
- die Schule, -n
- school
- der Schüler, - /die Schülerin, -nen
- (K–12) student
- der Stift, -e
- pen
- der Student, -en /die Studentin, -nen
- (university) student
- der Stuhl, ¨-e
- chair
- die Stunde, -n
- lesson
- die Tafel, -n
- (black/white) board
- der Taschenrechner,-
- calculator
- der Tisch, -e
- table; desk
- die Tür, -en
- door
- die Uhr, -en
- clock
- und
- and
- die Universität, -en
- university, college
- Was ist das?
- What is that?
- Wer ist das?
- Who is it?
- das Wörterbuch, ¨-er
- dictionary
- das Zeugnis, -se
- report card; grade report
Unit 2: Schule und Stadium (School and Studies)
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Assessments
- Vocabulary
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- ACTFL Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- ACTFL Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- ACTFL Communication 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
- ACTFL Cultures 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- ACTFL Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
- Vocabulary for school subjects, dates and times, sports and leisure activities, interrogative words
- Conjugation of regular verbs and stem changing verbs
- How to negate sentences and individual nouns
- Using the present tense as the future in German
- Learn some cultural elements of German schools
- Learn about locations in German speaking countries that are popular for sports and leisure activities
Understanding/Key Learning
- How to describe one’s school schedule with specific classes.
- How to tell the date and time in German.
- Using vocabulary for sports and leisure activities in context for oneself and others.
- How to conjugate regular, regular with variation, and stem (vowel) changing verbs in the present tense.
- How to properly use negation in a sentence.
- What are various elements of German schools and how does it differ from US schools?
- What are some popular leisure activity locations in German speaking countries?
- Listening
- Students will be able to listen to authentic speaking activities and their peers about school and sports activities.
- Students will be able to understand vocabulary in a spoken context to answer questions and complete actions.
- Speaking
- Students will be able to communicate information about their school schedule and life activities.
- Students will be able to communicate about sports and leisure activities.
- Students will conjugate verbs in spoken context correctly.
- Reading
- Students will be able to read about school and sports to gain overall information and answer specific questions.
- Students will understand various conjugations of verbs when read.
- Writing
- Students will be able to write about their school schedules and favorite sports/leisure activities.
- Students will be able to conjugate regular verbs in a written context correctly.
- Students will be able to talk about what will happen using the present tense.
Unit Essential Questions
Lesson Essential Questions
- What vocabulary words are used to describe school schedules?
- How does one tell the time and date in German?
- How are ordinal numbers different from regular numbers, specifically for dates and schedules?
- How does one conjugate regular verbs in the present tense?
- How does one conjugate stem (vowel) changing verbs in the present tense?
- How does one correctly use negation in a sentence?
- How do students share about the sports in which they participate and/or their favorite leisure activities?
Additional Vocabulary that relates will be added as needed.
- Abend
- evening
- abends
- in the evening
- der Abschluss, ¨-e/das Diplom, -e
- degree
- das Abschlusszeugnis, -se/ das Diplom, -e
- diploma
- achte
- eighth
- antworten
- to answer
- April
- April
- arbeiten
- to work
- (die) Architektur
- architecture
- August
- August
- bauen
- to build
- bedeuten
- to mean
- begrüßen
- to greet
- belegen
- to take (a class)
- (die) Biologie
- biology
- brauchen
- to need
- bringen
- to bring
- das Café, -s
- café
- (die) Chemie
- chemistry
- Dezember
- December
- der Dienstag, -e
- Tuesday
- dienstags
- on Tuesdays
- der Donnerstag, -e
- Thursday
- donnerstags
- on Thursdays
- der Dozent, -en /die Dozentin, -nen
- college/university instructor
- dritte
- third
- einfach
- easy
- einunddreißigste
- thirty-first
- elfte
- eleventh
- erste
- first
- das Fach, ¨-er
- subject
- Februar
- February
- finden
- to find
- fragen
- to ask
- der Freitag, -e
- Friday
- freitags
- on Fridays
- (die) Fremdsprache, -n
- foreign language
- fünfte
- fifth
- fünfundfünfzigste
- fifty-fifth
- gehen
- to go
- (die) Geschichte
- history
- heißen
- to be named
- hören
- to hear; to listen to
- der Hörsaal, Hörsäle
- lecture hall
- hundertste
- hundredth
- (die) Informatik
- computer science
- interessant
- interesting
- Januar
- January
- Juli
- July
- Juni
- June
- kaufen
- to buy
- kommen
- to come
- korrigieren
- to correct
- kosten
- to cost
- sports
- die Sporthalle, -n
- gym
- sprechen
- to speak
- das Stadion, Stadien
- stadium
- stehlen
- to steal
- der Strand, ¨-e
- beach
- tanzen
- to dance
- (das) Tennis
- tennis
- tragen
- to carry; to wear
- trainieren
- to practice
- treffen
- to hit; to meet
- vergessen
- to forget
- verlieren
- to lose
- (der) Volleyball
- volleyball
- der Wald, ¨-er
- forest
- wandern
- to hike
- waschen
- to wash
- werden
- to become
- werfen
- to throw
- (die) Kunst, ¨-e
- art
- langweilig
- boring
- leben
- to live
- lernen
- to study; to learn
- lieben
- to love
- (die) Literatur
- literature
- machen
- to do; to make
- Mai
- May
- März
- March
- (die) Mathematik
- math
- (die) Medizin
- medicine
- Mittag
- noon
- der Mittwoch, -e
- Wednesday
- mittwochs
- on Wednesdays
- die Monate
- months
- der Montag, -e
- Monday
- montags
- on Mondays
- Morgen
- morning
- morgens
- in the morning
- Nachmittag
- afternoon
- nachmittags
- in the afternoon
- die Nacht
- night
- (die) Naturwissenschaft, -en
- science
- neunte
- ninth
- neunzehnte
- nineteenth
- November
- November
- nützlich
- useful
- nutzlos
- useless
- öffnen
- to open
- Oktober
- October
- (die) Physik
- physics
- (die) Psychologie
- psychology
- regnen
- to rain
- reisen
- to travel
- sagen
- to say
- der Samstag, -e
- Saturday
- samstags
- on Saturdays
- schreiben
- to write
- schwierig
- difficult
- sechste
- sixth
- das Seminar, -e
- seminar
- der Seminarraum, -räume
- (college / university) classroom
- September
- September
- siebte
- seventh
- der Sonntag, -e
- Sunday
- sonntags
- on Sundays
- spielen
- to play
- das Stipendium, -en
- scholarship
- studieren
- to study; to major in
- die Stunde, -n
- hour
- suchen
- to look for
- tausendste
- thousandth
- die Veranstaltung, -en
- class; course
- verstehen
- to understand
- vierte
- fourth
- die Vorlesung, -en
- lecture
- Vormittag
- midmorning
- wann?
- when?
- warten
- to wait
- warum?
- why?
- was?
- what?
- welche?
- which?
- welcher?
- which?
- welches?
- which?
- wen?
- whom?
- wer?
- who?
- wie viel?
- how much?
- wie viele?
- how many?
- wie?
- how?
- wiederholen
- to repeat
- (die) Wirtschaft
- business
- wo?
- where?
- die Woche, -n
- week
- das Wochenende, -n
- weekend
- woher?
- where (from)?
- wohin?
- where (to)?
- wohnen
- to live (somewhere)
- zehnte
- tenth
- die Zeit, -en
- time
- zwanzigste
- twentieth
- zweite
- second
- zwölfte
- twelfth
- angeln gehen
- to go fishing
- der Ball, ¨-e
- ball
- (der) Baseball
- baseball
- (der) Basketball
- basketball
- der Berg, -e
- mountain
- braten
- to fry
- campen gehen
- to go camping
- empfehlen
- to recommend
- essen
- to eat
- essen gehen
- to eat out
- fahren
- to go
- Fahrrad fahren
- to ride a bicycle
- das Fahrrad, ¨-er
- bicycle
- fallen
- to fall
- fangen
- to catch
- (der) (American) Football
- football
- die Freizeit
- free time
- die Freizeitaktivität, -en
- leisure activity
- (der) Fußball
- soccer
- geben
- to give
- gewinnen
- to win
- das Golf
- golf
- helfen
- to help
- das Hobby, -s
- hobby
- (das) Hockey
- hockey
- die Karte, -n
- card
- klettern
- to (rock) climb
- kochen
- to cook
- lassen
- to let, to allow
- laufen
- to run
- (die) Leichtathletik
- track and field
- lesen
- to read
- die Mannschaft, -en
- team
- nehmen
- to take
- der Park, -s
- park
- (ein Pferd) reiten
- to ride a horse
- das Schach
- chess
- schlafen
- to sleep
- schreiben
- to write
- das Schwimmbad, ¨-er
- swimming pool
- schwimmen
- to swim
- sehen
- to see
- Sie spielen gern Schach.
- They like to play chess.
- Sie verliert nicht gern.
- She doesn’t like to lose.
- singen
- to sing
- Ski fahren
- to ski
- Spaß haben/machen
- to have fun / to be fun
- spazieren gehen
- to go for a walk
- das Spiel, -e
- game
- der Spieler, - / die Spielerin, -nen
- player
- das Spielfeld, -er/ der Platz, ¨-e
- field; court
- der Sport
Unit 3: Famile und Freunde (Family and Friends)
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Assessments
- Vocabulary
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- ACTFL Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- ACTFL Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- ACTFL Communication 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
- ACTFL Cultures 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- ACTFL Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
- Vocabulary for family and friends, possessive pronouns/adjectives, descriptive vocabulary, and professions.
- Conjugation of modal verbs and the verb möchten .
- Prepositions in the accusative case.
- Agreement of adjectives in the nominative and accusative case.
- How to use the imperative tense.
- Learn about Families and Friendships in Germany for a cultural perspective.
Understanding/Key Learning
- How to identify one’s friends and family with correct vocabulary words.
- How to describe people using adjectives and professional vocabulary.
- How to complete possessive adjective and regular adjective agreement with nouns.
- How to conjugate and use modal verbs (including möchten) correctly in a sentence.
- How to identify the accusative case prepositions and use them correctly in a sentence.
- How to give commands to various people (formal, informal, plural, etc.)
- Speaking
- Students will speak about their friends and family and describe them with correct sentence structure.
- Students will speak with modal verbs about their likes, wants, what they can do, etc.
- Students will give basic commands to others.
- Listening
- Students will be able to listen to activities from the textbook to identify information about family and friends.
- Students will be able to listen to the teacher and peers and answer questions about information spoken.
- Reading
- Students will be able to read texts about people and identify main and supporting ideas from the text.
- Students will be able to answer questions about German reading assignments in German.
- Writing
- Students will be able to write short paragraphs with simple sentences describing themselves, friends, and family members.
- Students will be able to use vocabulary in proper context to describe people seen in pictures, videos, etc.
Unit Essential Questions
Lesson Essential Questions
Additional Vocabulary that relates will be added as needed.
- der / die Verwandte, -n
- relative
- alt
- old
- das Baby, -s
- baby
- blaue / grüne / braune Augen
- blue / green / brown eyes
- blond
- blond
- blonde / braune / schwarze Haare
- blond / brown / black hair
- braunhaarig
- brown-haired
- der Bruder, -¨
- brother
- der Cousin, -s
- cousin (m.)
- die Cousine, -n
- cousin (f.)
- dein
- your (sing., inf.)
- dick
- fat
- dunkel
- dark
- dunkelhaarig
- dark-haired
- dünn
- thin
- die Eltern
- parents
- das Enkelkind, -er
- grandchild
- der Enkelsohn, -¨e
- grandson
- die Enkeltochter, -¨
- granddaughter
- euer
- your (pl., inf.)
- der Fisch, -e
- fish
- die Frau, -en
- wife
- geschieden
- divorced
- das Geschwister, -
- sibling
- getrennt
- separated
- glatt
- straight (hair)
- groß
- big; tall
- großartig
- terrific
- die Großeltern
- grandparents
- die Großmutter, -¨
- grandmother
- der Großvater, -¨
- grandfather
- gut aussehend
- handsome
- der Halbbruder, -¨
- half brother
- die Halbschwester, -n
- half sister
- hässlich
- ugly
- heiraten
- to marry
- hell
- light
- hübsch
- pretty
- der Hund, -e
- dog
- Ihr
- your (sing./pl., form.)
- jung
- young
- die Katze, -n
- cat
- das Kind, -er
- child
- klein
- small; short (stature)
- kurz
- short (hair)
- lang
- long (hair)
- ledig
- single
- lockig
- curly
- der Mann, -¨er
- husband
- mein
- my
- die Mutter, -¨
- mother
- der Nachname, -n
- last name
- der Neffe, -n
- nephew
- die Nichte, -n
- niece
- die Oma, -s
- grandma
- der Onkel, -
- uncle
- der Opa, -s
- grandpa
- das Paar, -e
- couple
- rothaarig
- red-headed
- schlank
- slim
- schön
- pretty; beautiful
- der Schwager, -¨
- brother-in-law
- die Schwägerin, -nen
- sister-in-law
- schwarzhaarig
- black-haired
- die Schwester, -n
- sister
- die Schwiegermutter, -¨
- mother-in-law
- der Schwiegervater, -¨
- father-in-law
- sein
- his, its
- der Sohn, -¨e
- son
- sportlich
- athletic
- der Stiefbruder, -¨
- stepbrother
- die Stiefmutter, -¨
- stepmother
- die Stiefschwester, -n
- stepsister
- der Stiefsohn, -¨e
- stepson
- die Stieftochter, -¨
- stepdaughter
- der Stiefvater, -¨
- stepfather
- die Tante, -n
- aunt
- die Tochter, -¨
- daughter
- unser
- our
- der Vater, -¨
- father
- verheiratet
- married
- verlobt
- engaged
- der Vogel, -¨
- bird
- die Witwe, -n
- widow
- der Witwer, -
- widower
- zusammen
- together
- der Zwilling, -e
- twin
- (un)angenehm
- (un)pleasant
- der Architekt, -en / die Architektin, -nen
- architect
- arm
- poor; unfortunate
- bescheiden
- modest
- der Besitzer, - / die Besitzerin, -nen
- owner
- besorgt
- worried
- Betreten des Rasens verboten.
- Keep off the grass.
- bis
- until, to
- Bring mir...
- Bring me...
- diskret
- discreet
- Drücken.
- Push.
- durch
- through
- dürfen
- to be allowed to, may
- egoistisch
- selfish
- eifersüchtig
- jealous
- entlang
- along
- ernst
- serious
- faul
- lazy
- fleißig
- Hard-working
- freundlich
- friendly
- der Friseur, -e / die Friseurin, -nen
- hairdresser
- froh
- happy
- für
- for
- gegen
- against
- gemein
- mean
- der Geschäftsmann (pl. Geschäftsleute) / die Geschäftsfrau, -en
- businessman / businesswoman
- gierig
- greedy
- glücklich
- happy
- großzügig
- generous
- der Ingenieur, -e / die Ingenieurin, -nen
- engineer
- intellektuell
- intellectual
- intelligent
- intelligent
- der Journalist, -en / die Journalistin, -nen
- journalist
- Keine Zufahrt.
- Do not enter
- der Kellner, - / die Kellnerin -nen
- waiter / waitress
- können
- to be able to, can
- lächeln
- to smile
- lachen
- to laugh
- langsam
- slow
- Langsam fahren.
- Slow down.
- lustig
- funny
- müde
- tired
- der Musiker, - / die Musikerin, -nen
- musician
- müssen
- to have to, must
- mutig
- brave
- naiv
- naïve
- nervös
- nervous
- nett
- nice
- neugierig
- curious
- ohne
- without
- Parkverbot.
- No parking.
- pro
- per
- Rauchen verboten
- No smoking
- der Rechtsanwalt, -¨e / die Rechtsanwältin, -nen
- lawyer
- reich
- rich
- schlecht
- bad
- schnell
- fast
- schüchtern
- shy
- schwach
- weak
- sollen
- to be supposed to
- Sprechen Sie bitte langsamer.
- Please speak more slowly.
- stark
- strong
- stolz
- proud
- süß
- sweet; cute
- toll
- great
- traurig
- sad
- Türen schließen
- Keep doors closed
- um
- around; at (time)
- Warte
- Wait
- weinen
- to cry
- wollen
- to want to
- Ziehen
- Pull
Unit 4: Feiern (Holidays)
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Assessments
- Vocabulary
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- ACTFL Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- ACTFL Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- ACTFL Communication 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
- ACTFL Cultures 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- ACTFL Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- ACTFL Comparisons 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- ACTFL Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
- Vocabulary for holidays, special occasions and celebrations.
- Vocabulary for clothing and basic shopping words.
- Culture related to German holidays, Oktoberfest, German clothing trends, and traditional costumes.
- Conjugations of separable and inseparable prefix verbs.
- Dative Case and dative prepositions and the proper use.
- Use of adverbs for modifying verbs and adjectives.
Understanding/Key Learning
- Learning about holidays and special celebrations in Germany through vocabulary and culture.
- Use Vocabulary to describe clothing and shopping for clothing.
- How to conjugate verbs with prefixes and place them correctly into a sentence using grammar rules.
- Identification and proper use of the dative case with nouns and prepositions.
- Using adverbs to modify verbs and adjectives with correct sentence structure.
- Speaking
- Students will be able to explain when and where special celebrations and holidays take place.
- Students will explain about their own favorite holidays and family traditions.
- Students will describe verbally what clothing they are wearing or see others wearing.
- Listening
- Students will hear short stories, videos, and sentences that describe holidays or people and be able to understand and identify important information based on learned vocabulary.
- Reading
- Students will read short stories and articles in German about holidays and identify main ideas and supporting details.
- Writing
- Students will write about their favorite holidays and share with other students.
- Students will write about clothing that is worn in the USA and in Germany.
Unit Essential Questions
Lesson Essential Questions
- What are the vocabulary words for holidays and celebrations in Germany?
- What are specific festivals or holidays that take place in Germany and what are their significance to the culture of the country?
- What are the similarities and differences in holidays and traditions between Germany and the USA?
- What are the vocabulary words for describing clothes?
- What are the similarities and differences between German and American clothing?
- How does one identify indirect objects as other uses of the dative case and use it correctly in German?
- How does one use dative case prepositions correctly in sentences?
- How are adverbs used to modify adjectives in German?
- Mosaik 2 Textbook and VHL Online site (as appropriate for vocabulary)
- Mosaik 1 Textbook and VHL Online side (as appropriate for grammar)
- Teacher created handout and activities
- Teacher created assessments such as vocabulary and grammar quizzes, projects, speaking activities, etc.
- Websites for vocabulary practice such as: Quizlet, Blooket, Kahoot, Schoology, Moodle, etc.
Additional Vocabulary that relates will be added as needed.
- der / die Frischvermählte, -n
- newlywed
- einen Abschluss machen
- to graduate
- anstoßen (stößt… an)
- to toast
- der Ballon, -s
- balloon
- bekommen
- to receive
- brennen, gebrannt
- to burn, burned
- denken, gedacht
- to think, thought
- dich
- you (sg. inf.)
- dir
- you (sg. inf.)
- du
- you
- die Ehe, -n
- marriage
- einladen (lädt… ein)
- to invite
- das Eis
- ice cream
- der Eiswürfel,-
- ice cube
- er
- he/it
- es
- it
- euch
- you (pl. inf.)
- feiern
- to celebrate
- der Feiertag, -e
- holiday
- die Freundschaft, -en
- friendship
- der Gast, ¨-e
- guest
- der Gastgeber, - / die Gastgeberin, -nen
- host / hostess
- das Gebäck
- pastries; baked goods
- die Geburt, -en
- birth
- der Geburtstag, -e
- birthday
- gefallen (gefällt)
- to please
- das Geschenk, -e
- gift
- glauben
- to believe
- das Glück
- happiness
- gratulieren
- to congratulate
- Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
- Congratulations!
- die Hochzeit, -en
- wedding
- ich
- I
- ihm
- it
- ihn
- him, it
- Ihnen
- them
- ihr
- her, it
- in Rente gehen
- to retire
- der Jahrestag, -e
- anniversary
- die Karte, -n
- card
- der Keks, -e
- cookie
- der Kuss, ¨-e
- kiss
- die Liebe
- love
- mich
- me
- mir
- me
- nennen, genannt
- to name, named
- eine Party geben
- to throw a party
- die Party, -s
- party
- passen
- to fit
- rennen, gerannt
- to run, ran
- schenken
- to give (a gift)
- der Sekt
- champagne
- sie
- them
- (das) Silvester
- New Year's Eve
- (keinen) Spaß haben
- (not) to have fun
- die Süßigkeiten (pl.)
- candy
- die Torte, -n
- cake
- trinken, getrunken
- to drink, drank
- überraschen
- to surprise
- die Überraschung, -en
- surprise
- uns
- us
- (das) Weihnachten
- Christmas
- wir
- we
- das Zimmer,-
- room
- an
- at, on
- anziehen (zieht… an)
- to put on
- der Anzug, ¨-e
- suit
- auf
- on, on top of
- der Badeanzug, ¨-e
- bathing suit
- die Baumwolle
- cotton
- blau
- blue
- die Bluse, -n
- blouse
- braun
- brown
- die Brille, -n
- glasses
- einfarbig
- solid colored
- eng
- tight
- die Farbe, -n
- color
- gelb
- yellow
- gestreift
- striped
- grau
- gray
- grün
- green
- günstig
- inexpensive
- der Gürtel,-
- belt
- die Halskette, -n
- necklace
- der Handschuh, -e
- glove
- die Handtasche, -n
- purse
- hängen (hat gehangen)
- to hang, to be hanging
- hängen (hat gehängt)
- to hang (something)
- das Hemd, -en
- shirt
- hinter
- behind
- die Hose, -n
- pants
- der Hut, ¨-e
- hat
- in
- in, into
- die Jacke, -n
- jacket
- die Jeans,-
- jeans
- kennen
- to know, be familiar with
- das Kleid, -er
- dress
- die Kleidergröße, -n
- size
- die Krawatte, -n
- tie
- der Kunde, -n / die Kundin, -nen
- customer
- kurzärmlig
- short-sleeved
- die kurze Hose (pl. die kurzen Hosen)
- shorts
- langärmlig
- long-sleeved
- das Leder
- leather
- legen
- to lay (down)
- liegen
- to lie
- lila
- purple
- der Mantel, ¨-
- coat
- die Mütze, -n
- cap
- neben
- next to
- orange
- orange
- passieren
- to happen
- der Pullover,-
- sweater
- der Rock, ¨-e
- skirt
- rosa
- pink
- rot
- red
- der Schal, -s
- scarf
- der Schuh, -e
- shoe
- schwarz
- black
- die Seide
- silk
- setzen
- to set (down)
- sitzen
- to sit
- die Socke, -n
- sock
- die Sonnenbrille, -n
- sunglasses
- stehen
- to stand
- steigen
- to climb
- stellen
- to put (down)
- sterben (stirbt)
- to die
- der Stiefel,-
- boot
- das Sweatshirt, -s
- sweatshirt
- das T-Shirt, -s
- T-shirt
- teuer
- expensive
- tragen (trägt)
- to wear
- das Trägerhemd, -en
- tank top
- der Turnschuh, -e
- sneakers
- über
- above, over
- unter
- under
- die Unterwäsche
- underwear
- der Verkäufer, - / die Verkäuferin, -nen
- salesperson
- vor
- in front of
- wachsen, ist gewachsen
- to grow
- weiß
- white
- weit
- loose; big
- wissen (weiß)
- to know (information)
- die Wolle
- wool
- zwischen
- between