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French III

Course Description

In this honors-level course, students gain intermediate skills in French reading, writing, listening, and speaking with an emphasis on the structure and utilization of the conditional, future, and subjunctive tenses. Centering on daily life – food culture, phones, cars, shopping, job-hunting, and the environment – this course deepens proficiency by developing students’ technical vocabulary, independent study habits, and risk-taking skills in oral communication. 

Course Big Ideas

  • Far from being limited to France, rich culinary traditions define the entirety of the French-speaking world.
  • In many French-speaking countries, small businesses are still preferred over supermarkets, with markets being the site of relationship-building in addition to the exchange of goods and services.
  • Learning French can provide an edge in many professions, including public health, tourism, technology, and international business.  
  • Environmental stewardship links francophone countries across the globe.

Course Essential Questions

  • How do culture and geography affect foods and meals?
  • How does technology influence human interactions and our means of transportation?
  • How do our surroundings influence the daily routines and interactions in a community or a culture?
  • What should we expect of the future, and how do we prepare for it? 
  • What is our relationship with nature and wildlife?

Course Competencies

  • Conjugating irregular verbs in all tenses, including “venir,” “devoir,” “vouloir,” and “pouvoir”.
  • Distinguishing between the passé composé and the imparfait tenses.
  • Forming and employing the futur simple and conditionnel tenses. 
  • Identifying the basic conjugation patterns of and situations for use of the subjunctive tense.
  • Employing reciprocal and reflexive verbs in all major tenses.
  • Intermediate vocabulary on food culture, technology, shopping, employment, and the environment.

Course Assignments

  • Summative
    • In-class exercises and activities
    • Auto-corrected online resources 
  • Formative
    • Grammar and vocabulary quizzes (integrated)
    • Journals and projects
    • Unit tests on grammar, vocabulary, and culture
    • Final exam

Course Units