French II
Course Description
In this course, students deepen the basics of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in French, with an emphasis on using cognates, guided listening, and spontaneous speech to heighten proficiency. This course continues present tense regular and irregular verbs, introduces two past tenses (passé composé and imparfait), and contextualizes vocabulary for travel, international holidays, and home.
Course Big Ideas
- Religious beliefs across the francophone world influence the development and celebration of holidays.
- Cultural factors, including school schedules and paid leave, as well as France’s geographical proximity to other French-speaking countries, influence French tourism and travel.
- Paris is a vibrant city whose signature art and architecture is influenced by history.
- Homes, family structures, and expectations vary widely in Europe, Africa, and Asia.
- Learning a variety of grammatical structures permits a deepened expression of one’s past and present experiences.
Course Essential Questions
- How do school schedules and vacations in France compare with those in your community?
- How does culture affect how we celebrate holidays and other important occasions?
- How does culture affect how and where we travel and how we talk about the past?
- How do culture, geography, and history affect housing and family roles?
Course Competencies
- Intermediate skills in French pronunciation, including “open” verses “closed” vowel sounds, using diacriticals to sound out words, and employing liaison in speech.
- Identifying the helping verb and past participle in the passé composé.
- Forming the imparfait tense.
- Conjugating regular -re verbs as well as irregular verbs faire, dire, écrire, lire, savoir, and connaître
- Basic vocabulary on holidays, celebrations, travel, and the home
Course Assignments
- Course Assessments:
- Summative
- In-class exercises and activities
- Auto-corrected online resources
- Formative
- Grammar and vocabulary quizzes (integrated)
- Journals and projects
- Unit tests on grammar, vocabulary, and culture
- Final exam
Course Units
Reprise: Review
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Vocabulary
- Assessments
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
Understanding/Key Learning
Unit Essential Questions
Lesson Essential Questions
Unit 1: Les fêtes
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Vocabulary
- Assessments
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
- Basic descriptions of international French holidays, including the international “Carnaval”.
- Pronunciation: The definition of “open” versus “closed” vowel sounds.
- Vocabulary: Celebrations, holidays, gifts, and clothing.
- Grammar: The structure of the passé composé, including regular verbs, irregular verbs, and forming the negatives; conjugations of regular -re verbs; demonstrative adjectives, indirect object pronouns, and disjunctive pronouns.
Understanding/Key Learning
- “Carnaval” is an international celebration corresponding to “Mardi Gras” celebrated across the Christian world; however, much of the French speaking world celebrates additional holidays.
- Paris is a vibrant city whose signature art and architecture is influenced by history.
- The passé composé is composed of two parts, the conjugated verb and the past participle; -re verbs is a category of “regular” verbs; object’s pronouns are placed before the conjugated verb.
- -Re verbs are the final category of French regular verbs.
- Demonstrative adjectives agree in gender and number to the noun being described
- Indirect objects translate as “to + noun”.
Unit Essential Questions
Lesson Essential Questions
- Opened” and “closed vowels”
- Passé composé
- Demonstrative adjectives
- -Re verbs
- Conjugated verb
- Past participle
- Regular vs. irregular verbs
- Infinitive
Column 1
Les fêtes
- Un gâteau
- La glace
- Un cadeau
- Une fête
- Un hôte/une hôtesse
- Un invité
- Un jour férié
Les relations
- L’amitié (f.)
- L’amour (m.)
- Le bonheur
- Un rendez-vous
Column 2
Périodes de la vie
- L’enfance (f.)
- Une étape
- La jeunesse
- La mort
- La vie
- Prendre sa retraite
- Tomber amoureux
- Hier
Demonstrative adjectives
- Ce(t)(te)/ces
Column 3
- Les vêtements
- Aller avec
- Porter
- Un anorak
- Des baskets (f.)
- Un blouson
- Une casquette
- Une ceinture
- Une chaussette
- un e chaussure
- Une chemise
- Un chemisier
- Une écharpe
- Un gant
- Une jupe
- Des lunettes
- Un maillot de bian
- Un manteau
- Un pull
- Une robe
- Un sac à main
- Une taille
- Des vêtements (m.)
- Un vendeur
- Chaque
- cher/chère
- En solde
- Large
- serré
Column 4
Indirect object pronouns
- Me
- Te lui
- Nous
- Vous
- Leur
Disjunctive pronouns
- Moi
- Toi
- lui/elle
- Nous
- Vous
- eux/elles
- Moi-même
- Toi-même
- lui-/elle-mêmes
- Nous-mêmes
- Vous-mêmes
- eux/elles-mêmes
Re verbs
- attendre
- Conduire
- Descendre
- Entendre
- Mettre
- Perdre
- Permettre
- Promettre
- Rendre (à)
- Rendre visite (à)
- Répondre (à)
- Rire
- Sourire
- Vendre
Unit 2: En vacances
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Vocabulary
- Assessments
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- Communities 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
- Belgium and Switzerland are French-speaking countries that border France with their own unique culture and heritage.
- Youth hostels offer budget-friendly lodging options for young people.
- Pronunciation: Diacriticals, or accent marks, can change the meaning of a word in addition to its pronunciation.
- Vocabulary: Traveling, destinations (including countries), hotels, and hostels.
- Grammar: The passé composé with “être,” direct object pronouns, ordinal numbers, adverbs, irregular verbs dire, écrire, and lire, and imparfait.
Understanding/Key Learning
- Borders are political divisions, often overlooking shared linguistic, religious, or cultural traits.
- France offers five weeks of paid vacation annually, permitting a broader market for travel.
- A limited amount of verbs are conjugated in the passé composé with “être”.
- In the passé composé with être, the past participle agree in gender and number.
- When negating any structure, the “ne/n’” is placed after the subject and the “pas” is placed after the conjugated verb.
- Imparfait is a past tense used to describe contexts and locations, among others.
- Name the French-speaking countries of Europe.
- Compare vacationing styles in the United States and France.
- Employ the passé composé to describe trips taken in the past.
- Make hotel reservations.
- Indicate the sequence of events due to differences in grammatical tense.
- Describe the context of vacations and events.
Unit Essential Questions
Lesson Essential Questions
- Imparfait
- Adverbs
- Conjugated verb
- Past participle
- Agreement in gender and number
- Diacriticals
Column 1
Partir en voyage
- Partir en vacances
- Prendre un avion/bateau
- Un aéroport
- Un arrêt
- Une arrivé
- Un billet aller-retour
- Un départ
- Une douane
- Une gare
- Une sortie
- Un vol
- À l’étranger
- Le monde
- Un pays
Les pays
- l’Allemagne (f.)
- l’Angleterre (f.)
- La Belgique
- Le Brésil
- Le Canada
- La Chine
- l’Espagne (f.)
- Les États-Unis (f.)
- La France
- l’Irlande (f.)
- l’Italie (f.)
- Le Japon
- Le Mexique
- La Suisse
Column 2
Les vacances
- Faire les valises
- Faire un séjour
- Rouler en voiture
- La campagne
- Un congé
- Des gens (m.)
- La mer
- Une plage
- Des vacances (f.)
- Arriver
- Descendre
- Entrer
- Monter
- Mourir
- Naître
- Partir
- Passer
- Rentrer
- Rester
- Retourner
- Sortir
- tomber
Direct object pronouns
- me/m’
- te/t’
- le/la/l’
- Nous
- Vous
- Les
Column 3
Faire une réservation
- Annuler
- Un ascenseur
- Une auberge de jeunesse
- Une clé
- Un étage
- Un lit
- Le rez-de-chaussée
- Complet
- Libre
Adverbes et locutions de temps
- Alors
- Après
- Avant
- D’abord
- Donc
- Enfin
- Ensuite
- Finalement
- Pendant
- Puis
- Tout à coup
- Tout de suite
Ordinal numbers
- premier/première
- Deuxième
- Cinquième
- Neuvième
- Vingt et unième
- Centième
Column 4
- Absolument
- Constamment
- Couramment
- De temps en temps
- Dernièrement
- En général
- Évidemment
- Franchement
- Gentiment
- Heureusement
- Lentement
- Malheureusement
- Rapidement
- quelque fois
- Vite
- Vraiment
Verbes irréguliers
- Décrire
- Dire
- Écrire
- Lire
Unit 3: Chez nous
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Vocabulary
- Assessments
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- Communication 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- Communication 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- Connections 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- Comparisons 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- The construction, layout, and interior of homes may differ throughout France as well as across the Francophone world.
- Francophone West Africa includes countries such as Mali, Côte d’Ivoire, and Senegal.
- Pronunciation: Liaison is defined as the concept of pronouncing a silent “s” at the end of a word when the following word begins with a vowel.
- Vocabulary: Household rooms and household tasks.
- Grammar: The passé composé and imparfait describe different aspects of the past; “savoir” and “connaître,” two irregular verbs, translate both as “to know”.
Understanding/Key Learning
Unit Essential Questions
Lesson Essential Questions
- Imparfait
- Passé composé
Column 1
Les parties d’une maison
- Une cave
- Un couloir
- Une cuisine
- Un escalier
- Un jardin
- Un mur
- Une pièce
- Une salle à manger
- Une salle de bians
- Une salle de séjour
- Un salon
- Un sous-sol
- Les toilettes/W.C
Chez soi
- Un(e) proprétaire
- Un immeuble
- Un logement
- Un loyer
- Un quartier
- Une affiche
- Une baignoire
- Un canapé
- Une commode
- Une douche
- Une étagère
- Un fauteuil
- Un meuble
- Un placard
- Un rideau
- Un tapis
- Déménager
- Emménager .
Column 2
Expressions qui signalent le passé
- D’habitude
- Une fois
- Un jour
- Parfois
- Soudain
- Souvent
- Toujours
- Tous les jours
- Tout à coup
- Vivre
Column 3
- Les tâches ménagères
- Une tâche ménagère
- Balayer
- Débarrasser la table
- enlever/faire la poussière
- Essuyer la vaisselle/la table
- Faire la lessive
- Faire le lit
- Faire le ménage
- Laver
- Mettre la table
- Nettoyer
- Passer l’aspirateur
- Ranger
- Salir
- Sortir la poubelle
- Propre
- Sale
- Chez soi
Un balai
- Une couverture
- Les draps (m.)
- Un évier
- Le linge
- Un oreiller
Les appareils ménagers
- Un appareil électrique/ménager
- Un congélateur
- Une cuisinière
- Un four (à micro-ondes)
- Un frigo
- Un grille-pain
- Un lave-linge
- Un sèche-linge
- Un lave-vaisselle
Column 4
Locutions de temps
- Autrefois
- Connaître
- Reconnaître
- Savoir