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French 1

Course Description

In this course, students learn the basics of reading, writing, listening, and speaking in French in the present tense, including vocabulary about the self and school, pronunciation, grammatical structures, cultural norms, history, and geography.

Course Big Ideas

  • Due to a history of colonization and population changes, the majority of French speakers today live outside of Europe.
  • France has a rich history and is a center of economic and cultural activity in Europe.
  • Contemporary France is a multicultural society including immigrants from Africa and Asia with diverse religions and cultural practices.
  • Approaches to education vary widely across the French-speaking world.
  • Definitions of “family” in global French society include a large range of structure, expectations, and social norms.

Course Essential Questions

  • How prominent is French on the global stage?
  • What stereotypes exist about French culture, and to what extent do they reflect reality?
  • How does the school experience in French-speaking countries compare to the educational experience in the U.S.? 
  • How do the ideas of family, friendship, and relationships vary across cultures?
  • How do social interactions and traditions related to food provide insights into a culture?

Course Competencies

  • Basic phonetics in French pronunciation, including nasal vowels, the French “r,” and liaison.
  • Conjugating regular (-er/-ir) and irregular verbs, including être, avoir, and aller.
  • Negating verbs within a sentence with the structure ne…pas.
  • Basic vocabulary describing the self, feelings, interests, preferences, schools, and families, including days of the week, numbers 0-100, colors, etc.
  • Basic noun/verb agreement (masculine/feminine/singular/plural).
  • Differentiating between conjugated verbs and infinitives. 

Course Assignments

  • Summative
  • In-class exercises and activities
  • Auto-corrected online resources 
  • Formative
  • Grammar and vocabulary quizzes (integrated)
  • Journals and projects
  • Unit tests on grammar, vocabulary, and culture
  • Final exam

Course Units