Exploratory Spanish
Course Description
This course is designed for learners who would like to experience an overview of basic vocabulary and conversational skills for travel and everyday use as well as gain an appreciation of the history, geography, and culture of Spanish speaking countries.
Course Big Ideas
Provide an opportunity for students to experience basic communication, history and culture of Spanish speaking countries on an exploratory level.
Course Essential Questions
- How do Spanish speaking people communicate in basic conversational settings?
- Where are Spanish speaking countries located?
- What simple historical facts impact these countries
- What are some of the most important geographical aspects of these countries?
- What are some of the most important cultural aspects of these countries?
- What are some of the comparisons and contrasts between the United States and daily lives of students in these countries?
Course Competencies
- Recognize Spanish speaking countries.
- Recognize geographical features of Spanish speaking countries.
- Experience cultural events and patterns of daily life in Spanish speaking countries.
- Use basic conversational skills in Spanish in order to communicate in different settings .
Course Assignments
- Worksheets
- Positive participation
- Verbal presentations
- Creative projects (both individual and group)
- Other teacher created assignments
Course Units
- Unit 1: Spain
- Unit 2: Mexico
- Unit 3: Caribbean (Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Cuba)
- Unit 4: Northern Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador)
- Unit 5: Southern Central America (Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama)
- Unit 6: Northern South America (Venezuela, Columbia, Ecuador)
- Unit 7: Southwestern South America (Peru, Bolivia, Chile)
- Unit 8: Southeastern South America (Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay)
Unit 1: Spain
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Vocabulary
- Assessments
ACTFL National Standards:
- 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Pennsylvania State Standards for World Language:
- 12.1.1.S 1.A - Recite target language alphabet and associated sounds and basic words with those sounds.
- 12.1.1.S1.B - Speak and write common vocabulary, phrases and structures during activities with the teacher, classmates and family.{lnterpersonal Skills)
- 12.1.1.S1.C - Comprehend simple spoken conversations and written sentences in dialogs and short paragraphs.
- 12.1.1.S1.D - Use simple sentences and question structures in speaking and writing.
- 12.1.1.S2.A - Speak and model phrases and sentences with accepted pronunciation, rhythm and intonation with survival level proficiency.
- 12.1.1.S2.D - Use simple sentence and question structures to communicate about daily activities, social amenities and personal information.
- 12.1.S1.C - Recognize common vocabulary terms through listening and reading.
- 12.1.S1.D - Know simple sentence and question structures in order to communicate.
- 12.1.S1.E - Identify words from the target language that are commonly used in English.
- 12.2.1.S1.B - Comprehend written sentences and spoken conversations using simple vocabulary and verbs of Being, Saying, and Seeing.
- 12.2.1.S1.C - Write and speak common vocabulary phrases and structures during activities with teacher and classmates.
- 12.3.S2.C - Explain similarities and differences of daily activities between cultures.
- 12.5.S1.C - Know where the target language is spoken in the global community.
- Know basic Spanish conversational language. - Greetings, Farewells, Polite Expressions, Alphabet, Personal Questions and Answers
- Know the location of Spain on a World Map
- Know important geographical aspects of the target country. - Major Cities, Geographical Landmarks, and Famous Tourist Attractions such as: Capital Madrid; Landmark the Rock of Gibraltar, Tourist Attraction the Alhambra
- Know important cultural aspects of the target country. - History, Holidays, Famous People, Climate, Foods such as: Native Culture mixed with Roman Culture, Three Kings Day, Picasso, temperate climate, and foods like Paella
- Know popular differences between the target country and the United States. - Daily Life, School, Music, Entertainment, Sports, Activities, Arts such as: A break during the day for business and schools; students must buy their own books, Flamenco music, Teens have their own nightclubs, soccer is the main sport, free time is spent socializing outside and going to local celebrations.
Understanding/Key Learning
- Create, present, and understand dialogs where students give and receive information pertaining greetings, personal questions, and polite expressions.
- Locate the target country on a world map and identify important locations by creating and labeling a map of this country.
- Explore historical and cultural differences between the target country and the United States.
- Investigate daily life and current popular trends of adolescents in the culture.
- Follow simple commands given by the teacher in Spanish
Unit Essential Questions
- How do the people of Spain communicate in basic conversational settings?
- Where is Spain located?
- What are some of the most important geographical aspects of Spain?
- What are some of the most important cultural aspects of Spain?
- What are some of the comparisons and contrasts between popular Spanish culture and the United States?
Lesson Essential Questions
Unit 2: Mexico
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Vocabulary
- Assessments
ACTFL National Standards:
- 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Pennsylvania State Standards for World Language:
- 12.1.1.S1.B - Speak and write common vocabulary, phrases and structures during activities with the teacher, classmates and family. (Interpersonal Skills)
- 12.1.1.S1.C - Comprehend simple spoken conversations and written sentences in dialogs and short
paragraphs. - 12.1.1.S1 .D - Use simple sentence and question structures in speaking and writing.
- 12.1.S1.C - Recognize common vocabulary terms through listening and reading.
- 12.1.S1 .D - Know simple sentence and question structures in order to communicate.
- 12.3.1.S3.C - Read, interpret, discuss and write about cultural similarities and differences in specific social
interactions in two cultures. - 12.3. S2.C - Explain similarities and differences of daily activities between cultures.
- 12.5.S1.C - Know where the target language is spoken in the global community.
- Know basic Spanish conversational language. - Numbers, Telling Time, Date and Birthday.
- Know the location of Mexico - When using a World Map.
- Know important geographical aspects of the target country. - Major Cities, Geographical Landmarks, Famous Tourist Sites such as: Capital Mexico City; geography of beautiful beaches, Tourist landmarks like Aztec temples.
- Know important cultural aspects of the target country. - History, Indigenous Groups, Holidays, Famous People, Climate, Foods. - The clash between the Aztecs and the Conquistadors; Indigenous Aztecs and Mayans; Holiday Day of the Dead; Famous artist Frida Kahlo and Selena; climate varies by area; Foods like Tamales;
- Know popular differences between the target country and the United States. - Daily Life, School, Music, Entertainment, Sports, Activities, Arts such as: Life is relaxed ; Schools are similar to the US; traditional Mariachi music; entertainment at many local festivals but also community work; Main sports of soccer and wrestling;
Understanding/Key Learning
- Create, present, and understand dialogs where students give and receive information pertaining to numbers, time, date and birthday.
- Locate the target country on a world map and identify important locations by creating and labeling a map of this country.
- Explore historical and cultural differences between the target country and the United States.
- Investigate daily life and current popular trends of adolescents in this country.
Unit Essential Questions
- How do the people of Mexico communicate in basic conversational settings?
- Where is Mexico located?
- What are some of the most important geographical aspects of Mexico?
- What are some of the most important cultural aspects of Mexico?
- What are some of the comparisons and contrasts between popular Mexican culture and the United States?
Lesson Essential Questions
Unit 3: Caribbean (Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Cuba)
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Vocabulary
- Assessments
ACTFL National Standards
- 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions
Pennsylvania State Standards for World Language
- 12.1.1.S1.C - Comprehend simple spoken conversations and written sentences in dialogs and short paragraphs.
- 12.1.1.S2.A - Speak and model phrases and sentences with accepted pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation with survival level proficiency.
- 12.1.S1.C - Recognize common vocabulary terms through listening and reading.
- 12.1.S1.D- Know simple sentence and question structures in order to communicate.
- 12.2.1.S1.B - Comprehend written sentences and spoken conversations using simple vocabulary and verbs of Being, Saying, Seeing.
- 12.2.1.S1.D - Use simple sentence and question structures to comprehend simple written sentences and conversations.
- 12.3.1.S3.C - Read, interpret, discuss and write about cultural similarities and differences in specific social interactions in two cultures.
- 12.3.S2.C - Explain similarities and differences of daily activities between cultures.
- 12.5.S1.C - Know where the target language is spoken in the global community.
- Know basic Spanish conversational language.- Weather Expressions, Colors, Clothing Vocabulary
- Know the location of the countries In the Caribbean on a World Map and in relation to each other.
- Know important geographical aspects of target countries. - Major Cities, Geographical Landmarks, Famous Tourist Sites such as:
- ( Dominican Republic - Capital Santo Domingo: Geography is more than hall of the island of Hispaniola; Tourist attraction the Boiling Lake)
- (Puerto Rico - Capital San Juan; Landmark Yunque Forest, Tourist attraction - La Fortaleza)
- (Cuba - Capital Havana; Geography - Cueva de Musulmones; Tourist attraction - Old Havana)
- Know important cultural aspects of target countries. - History, Indigenous Groups, Holidays, Famous People, Climate, Foods such as:
- (Dominican Republic - Conquered by Columbus; Indigenous Arawakan and Tiano peoples: Holiday the Merengue Festival; Famous Manny Ramirez and Oscar de la Renta, climate tropical,and foods like Mangu
- (Puerto Rico - Conquered by Columbus; Tiano, African & Spanish cultures; Most Holidays mirror the US since PR is a Commonwealth; Famous people like Jennifer Lopez and roberto Clemente; Climate - tropical; Foods- Leehan, Mofongo)
- (Cuba - Conquered by Spain; Amerindian culture, Holiday - National Revolution Day;Famous people- Cameron Diaz, Marco Rubio, Pitbull; Climate - Tropical; Food - Rapa Vieja)
- Know popular differences between target countries and the United States. - Daily Life, School, Music, Entertainment, Sports, Activities, Arts such as:
- (Puerto Rico - Schools are similar to the US but students have a more lenient schedule; Music - Salsa and Latin Pop; Entertainment - Parque de Bambas, Experience Nature; Sports - Soccer and Baseball; Activities - Beaches, Museums; Arts - Masks for festivals and paintings.)
- (Dominican Republic - School is required until age 14 and provided until 18; Music Merengue; Entertainment - Local clubs and festivals; Sports - Soccer, Water sports; Skate Parks; Art - Sculpture and Wood Carvings)
- (Cuba - School is state run; Music - Musica Folkl6rica Cubana; Entertainment - clubs, beaches, outdoor activities; SportsSoccer, Baseball; Art - Native printing and Theater)
Understanding/Key Learning
- Create, present, and understand dialogs where they give and receive information pertaining to colors, clothing, and weather expressions.
- Locate the target countries on a world map and identify important locations by creating and labeling a map of those countries.
- Explore historical and cultural differences between the target countries and the United States.
- Investigate daily life and current popular trends of adolescents in these countries.
Unit Essential Questions
- How do the people of the Spanish speaking Caribbean countries communicate in basic conversational settings
- Where are these islands located in the Caribbean in relation to each other?
- What are some of the most important geographical aspects of these countries?
- What are some of the most important cultural aspects of these countries?
- What are some of the comparisons and contrasts between popular Spanish Caribbean cultures and the United States?
Lesson Essential Questions
- Can students identify major cities and landmarks in these countries?
- Can students share information about the weather, clothing, colors and fashion trends?
- Can students identify historical and current cultural trends of these countries?
- Are students able to recognize the influence of African, indigenous and Spanish cultures in these countries?
Unit 4: Northern Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador)
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Vocabulary
- Assessments
ACTFL National Standards
- 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Pennsylvania State Standards
- 12.1.1.S1.C - Comprehend simple spoken conversations and written sentences in dialogs and short paragraphs.
- 12.1.1.S1.D - Use simple sentence and question structures in speaking and writing.
- †12.1.1.S2.A - Speak and model phrases and sentences, with accepted pronunciation, rhythm and intonation with survival level proficiency. • 12.1.1.S2.D - Use simple sentence and question structures to communicate about daily activities, social amenities and personal information. • 12.2.1.S1.D • Use simple sentence and question structures to comprehend simple written sentences and conversations. • 12.3.1.S3.C- Read, interpret, discuss and write about cultural similarities and differences in specific social interactions in two cultures. • 12.3.S2.C - Explain similarities and differences of daily activities between cultures. • 12.5.S1.C - Know where the target language is spoken in the global community.
- Know basic Spanish conversational language. - Vocabulary for Sports and Activities
- Know the location of the countries in the northern part of Central America on a world map and in relation to one another.
- Know important geographical aspects of target countries, - Major Cities, Geographical Landmarks, Famous Tourist Sites.
- (Guatemala: Capital - Guatemala City; Geography - Lago de Isabel; Tourist attraction - Cruises and Wildlife
- (Honduras: Capital - Tegucigalpa; Geography - Mountainous; Tourist attractions - City of La Esperanza)
- (El Salvador: Capital - San Salvador; Geography - Cerro el Pital, highest peak; Tourist attraction- Colonial city, Suchitoto)
- Know important cultural aspects of target countries. -History, Indigenous Groups, Holidays, Famous People, Climate, Foods.
- (Guatemala: History - controlled by Conquistadors; Indigenous People - Mayan and Mestizo; Holiday - Cofradias; Famous person - Oscar Isaac; Climate - Tropical; Foods - Enchiladas)
- (Honduras: History • conquered by Spain; Indigenous People - Mayan and Miskito; Holiday - Virgin de Suyapa Patron Saint; David Suazo- soccer and Carlos Mancia- comedy; Climate - Tropical; Foods - Sopa de Hombre)
- (El Salvador: History - ruled by Spain from Mexico; Indigenous People - Cuzcatlecs; Holiday - National Pupusa Day; Famous person - Alvaro Torres, Latin Pop Star; Climate - Tropical; Foods - Sopa de Pata Pupusas)
- Know popular differences between target countries and the United States. - Daily Life, School, Music, Entertainment, Sports, Activities, Arts.
- (Guatemala: Daily Life - patterns of rural community; School - mostly primary and not all can attend- skill based; MusicMayan Marimba; Entertainment - fairs and festivals; Sports/Activities - Soccer and White Water Rafting; Arts - Handwoven Textiles)
- (Honduras: Daily Life -patterns of rural community and close family ties; School -State supported but not funded and mostly elementary and few girls attend; Music -Marimba dance and ballads; Entertainment -Swimming and festivals;
- Sports -Soccer, Swimming and PamAm games; Art -Native Pottery)
- (El Salvador; Daily Life -modern cities and coffee plantations, uses the US dollar; School -most schools destroyed in the 80s due to political conflict, only elementary for boys; Music -Marimba; Entertainment -kite flying and festivals; Sports - Soccer, basketball and tennis; Art -Native Pottery)
Understanding/Key Learning
- Create, present, and understand dialogs where students give and receive information pertaining to sports and other extra- curricular activities.
- Locate the target countries on a map and identify important locations by creating and labeling a map of these countries.
- Explore historical and cultural differences between the target countries and the United States.
- Investigate daily life and current popular trends of adolescents in these countries.
Unit Essential Questions
- How do the people of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador communicate in basic conversational settings? • Where are these countries located in relation to each other?
- What are some of the most important geographical aspects of these countries?
- What are some of the most important cultural aspects of these countries?
- What are some of the comparisons and contrasts between popular Central American cultures and the United States?
Lesson Essential Questions
- Can students identify major cities and landmarks in these countries?
- Can students share information about the sports and activities?
- Can students identify historical and current cultural trends of these countries?
- Are students able to recognize the influence of African, indigenous and Spanish cultures in these countries?
Unit 5: Southern Central America (Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama)
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Vocabulary
- Assessments
ACTFL National Standards
- 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions
Pennsylvania State Standards
- 12.1.1.S1.D - Use simple sentence and question structures in speaking and writing.
- 12.1.1.S2.A - Speak and model phrases and sentences with accepted pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation with
survival level proficiency. - 12.1.1.S2.D - Use simple sentence and question structures to communicate about daily activities, social amenities, and personal information.
- 12.1.S1.C - Recognize common vocabulary terms through listening and reading.
- 12.1.S1.D • Know simple sentence and question structures in order to communicate.
- 12.2.1.S1.B - Comprehend simple sentences and spoken conversations using simple vocabulary and verbs of Being, Saying, and Seeing.
- 2.2.1.S1.D - Use simple sentence and question structures to comprehend simple written sentences and
conversations. - 12.3.1.S3.C - Read, interpret, discuss and write about cultural similarities and differences in specific social
interactions in two cultures. - 12.3.S2.C - Explain similarities and differences of daily activities between cultures.
- 12. 5.S1.C - Know where the target language is spoken in the global community.
- Know basic Spanish conversational language. - Personal Descriptive Adjectives, Simple Sentences
- Know the location of the countries in the southern part of Central America on world rnap and in relation to one another.
- Know important geographical aspects of target countries. - Major Cities, Geographical Landmarks, Famous Tourist Sites
- ( Nicaragua: Capital - Managua; Geography - Lago de Managua, volcanos; Tourist Attraction- Tower of Democracy)
- ( Costa Rica - Capital - San Jose; Geography - Valle Central; Tourist Attraction- National Parks- EcoTourism )
- ( Panama - Panama City; Geography - Panama Canal; Tourist Attraction - Amistad National Park)
- Know important cultural aspects of target countries. - History, Indigenous Groups, Holidays, Famous People, Climate and Foods.
- (Nicaragua: Colonized by Spanish and British; Indigenous People - Matagalpa, Garifuna; Holiday - La Purisima; Famous Person - Poet Ruben Dario; Climate - Tropical; Foods - Gallo Pinto)
- (Costa Rica: History - Taken in Columbus 4th voyage; Indigenous People - Mestizo; Holiday - Patron Saint Virgen de Los Angeles; Famous Person - Writer Fabian Dobles; Climate - Tropical; Food - Gallo Pinto and Arroz con Leche)
- ( Panama; History - colonized by Balboa; Indigenous People - Guaymf, Kuna, Choc6; Holiday - Carnival; Famous Person - Salsa Singer Ruben Blades; Climate - Dry in West and Wet in East; Foods - Sancocho and Arroz con Pollo)
- Know popular differences between target countries and the United States. - Daily Life, School, Music, Entertainment, Sports, Activities, Arts
- ( Nicaragua: Daily Life - Agricultural in one area and Manufacturing in other; School - Basic Primary Education government funded; Music - Reggae; Entertainment - Festivals: Sports - Baseball, Boxing; Arts - Wood and Leather Crafts)
- ( Costa Rica - Daily Life - Personal and Family connections; School - Good education provided through High School; Entertainment - International movies, festivals; Sports - Soccer, Swimming, Boxing; Arts - Sculpture, Decorative Oxcarts)
- (Panama; Daily Life - Live in small Hamlets; School - 2/3rds of children go to school free for 6-15 year olds; Music - a mix of salsa, cumbia, tango and reggae; Entertainment - Festivals, Folk Music and Dancing; Arts - Malas smocks appliqued)
Understanding/Key Learning
- Create, present, and understand dialogs where they give and receive information pertaining to describing people with physical and personality adjectives.
- Locate the target countries on a map and identify important locations by creating and labeling a map of these countries.
- Explore historical and cultural differences between the target countries and the United States.
- Investigate the daily life and current popular trends of adolescents in these countries.
Unit Essential Questions
- How do the people of Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama communicate in basic conversational settings?
- Where are these countries located in relation to each other?
- What are some of the most important geographical aspects of these countries?
- What are some of the most Important cultural aspects of these countries?
- What are some of the comparisons and contrasts between popular Central American cultures and the United States?
Lesson Essential Questions
- Can students identify major cities and landmarks in these countries?
- Can students share information about basic descriptions of people?
- Can students identify historical and current cultural trends of these countries?
- Are students able to recognize the influence of African, indigenous and Spanish cultures in these countries?
Unit 6: Northern South America (Venezuela, Columbia, Ecuador)
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Vocabulary
- Assessments
ACTFL National Standards
- 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions .
Pennsylvania State Standards
- 12.1.1.S1.D - Use simple sentence and question structures in speaking and writing.
- 12.1.1.S2.A - Speak and model phrases and sentences with accepted pronunciation, rhythm and intonation with survival level proficiency.
- 12.1.1.S2.D - Use simple sentence and question structures to communicate about daily activities, social amenities and personal information.
- 12.1.S1.C - Recognize common vocabulary terms through listening and reading.
- 12.2.1.S1.B - Comprehend written sentences and spoken conversations using simple vocabulary and verbs of Being, Saying, and Seeing.
- 12.2.1.S1.D - Use simple sentence and question structures to comprehend simple written sentences and conversations.
- 12.3.1.S3.C - Read, interpret, discuss and write about cultural similarities and differences in specific social interactions in two cultures.
- 12.3.S2.C - Explain similarities and differences of daily activities between cultures.
- 12.5.S1.C - Know where the target language is spoken in the global community.
- Know basic Spanish conversational language. - Family vocabulary and House Vocabulary
- Know the location of the countries in Northern South America on a world map and in relationship to one another.
- Know Important geographical aspects of target countries. - Major Cities, Geographical Landmarks, Famous Tourist Attractions.
- (Venezuela: Capital - Caracas; Geography - Mainland + Islands; Tourist Attraction - Angel Falls)
- (Colombia: Capital - Bogota; Geography - Amazon, Andes mountains, Coast; Tourist Attractions - Emerald mines)
- (Ecuador: Capital - Quito; Geography - "Ring of Fire" mountains with earthquakes and volcanoes; Tourist Attractions -Galapagos Islands and Sangay National Park)
- Know important cultural aspects of target countries. - History, Indigenous Groups, Holidays, Famous People, Climate, Foods
- (Venezuela; History - conquered by Columbus on his third voyage; Indigenous People - Caribe and Arawak; Holiday - Dfa de la Juventud; Famous Person - writer R6mulo Gallegas; Climate - Tropical with temperature related to elevation; Foods - Arepas, Tequeiios)
- ( Colombia; History - Named for Columbus who helped to colonize it; Indigenous People - Mestizo and Mulatto; Holiday - Carnival; Famous Person - Shakira; Climate - Tropical related to elevation; Foods - Arroz con Pollo and Chicharrones)
- (Ecuador: History - Conquered by the Incas in late 1400s and liberated by Pizzaro in 1500s; Indigenous People - Amerindians and Mestizos; Holiday - Quinceaiieras and family events; Famous Person - Painter Oswaldo Guayasamfn - Climate - Tropical and very Rainey; Foods - Fanesca and Empanadas)
- Know popular differences between target countries and the United States. -Daily Life, School, Music, Entertainment,Sports, Activities, Arts
- (Venezuela; Daily Life -Recently mostly Urban, much poverty and corruption, Criollo culture; School -Education is free and compulsory from 6 -12 years old, High School is optional for 2 years; Music -Emphasis is placed on students learning Symphony music; Entertainment -Bullfighting, Kayaking, and Rafting; Sports -Baseball and Soccer; Arts -basket weaving and paper mache crafts)
- (Colombia -Daily Life -"abolengo" family pride, much Is determined by occupation, wealth or region; School -Both Public and Private are available through High School; Music -Cumbia and Vallenato; Entertainment -Dance Clubs and local festivals; Sports -Soccer, Basketball, Bicycling; Arts -Basket Weaving and Passementene)
- (Ecuador -Daily Life -Family connections including Godparents are important. Spanish tile houses or Stilt houses near the coast; School -is compulsory and free for 6 -12 year olds, rural areas often run by religious groups; Music -Pasillos, Cumbia; Entertainment -Clubs, cruising in cars, local festivals; Sports -Soccer, Volleyball, Handball; Arts -Wood carving and painting)
Understanding/Key Learning
- Create, present, and understand dialogs where they give and receive information pertaining to the family and home.
- Locate the target countries on a map and identify important locations by creating and labeling a map of these countries.
- Explore historical and cultural differences between the target countries and the United States.
- Investigate the daily life and current popular trends of adolescents in these countries.
Unit Essential Questions
- How do the people of Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador communicate in basic conversational settings?
- Where are these countries located in relation to each other?
- What are some of the most important geographical aspects of these countries?
- What are some of the most important cultural aspects of these countries?
- What are some of the comparisons and contrasts between popular cultures of these countries and the United States?
Lesson Essential Questions
- Can students identify major cities and landmarks in these countries?
- Can students share information about their family and their home?
- Can students identify historical and current cultural trends of these countries?
- Are students able to recognize the influence of African, indigenous and Spanish cultures in these countries?
Unit 7: Southwestern South America (Peru, Bolivia, Chile)
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Vocabulary
- Assessments
ACTFL National Standards
- 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- 2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationships between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
Pennsylvania State Standards for World Language
- 12.1.1.S1.D - Use simple sentence and question structures in speaking and writing.
- 12.1.1.S2.A - Speak and model phrases and sentences with accepted pronunciation, rhythm and intonation with survival level proficiency.
- 12.1.1.S2.B - Speak and write expanded vocabulary phrases and structures in dialogs or short essays.
- 12.1.1.S2.D - Use simple sentence and question structures to communicate about daily activities, social amenities and personal information.
- 12.1.S1 .C - Recognize common vocabulary terms through listening and reading.
- 12.1.S1 .D - Know simple sentence and question structures in order to communicate.
- 12.2.1.S1.D - Use simple sentence and question structures to comprehend simple written sentences and conversations.
- 12.3.1.S3.C - Read, interpret, discuss and write about cultural similarities and differences in specific social interactions in two cultures.
- 12.3.S2.C - Explain similarities and differences of daily activities between cultures.
- 12. 5.S1.C - Know where the target language is spoken in the global community.
- Know basic Spanish conversational language. - Food, Drink and Meal Vocabulary
- Know the location of the countries in the Southwestern part of South America on a world map and in relationship to one another.
- Know important geographical aspects of target countries. -Major Cities, Geographical Landmarks, Famous Tourist Sites.
- (Peru: Capital - Lima; Geography - Andes mountains divide the country into regions; Tourist Attractions - Lake Titicaca and Machu Picchu)
- (Bolivia: Capital - La Paz; Geography - Landlocked with 3 regions Yungas, Puna, and Oriente; Tourist Attractions - Potosf and Uyuni Salt Flat)
- (Chile: Capital - Santiago; Geography - long, thin and mountainous; Tourist Attractions - Lake Villarrica and Cape Horn)
- Know Important cultural aspects of target countries. - History, Indigenous Groups, Holidays, Famous People, Climate and Foods
- (Peru: History - Ancient Incas then colonized by Pizarro; Indigenous People - Incas and Quechua; Holiday - Processional "Senor de los Milagros"; Famous People -soccer player Claudio Pizarro and writer Isabelle Allende; Climate - Tropical but varies by region; Foods - Potatoes, guinea pigs, seafood)
- (Bolivia; History - Tiwanaka Empire then colonized by Spain and set free by Bolivar for whom they named the country; Indigenous People - Aymara and Quechua; Holiday - Carnival; Famous People - soccer player Diego Cabrera and poet Jaime Saenz; Climate - varies by elevation and region from tropical to very cold; Foods - Slipancho and Saltenas)
- (Chile; History - colonized by Spain but in 1850s many immigrated from Germany and Switzerland; Indigenous People - Mestizo; Holiday - "Encuentro de los Mundos" Columbus Day; Famous People - writer Manuel Rojas and pianist Claudio Arreu; Climate - hot and dry in the north, temperate in the middle, very cold in the south; Foods - wines and brandy and Patasca)
- Know popular differences between target countries and the United States. - Daily Life, School, Music, Entertainment, Sports, Activities, Arts (Peru: Daily Life - subsistence agriculture but many moving to cities; School - Free and compulsory education for 6 - 15 year olds but hard to enforce rurally; Music - Huyano and Peruvian rock and roll called Chicha; Entertainment - festivals, theater, folk dance and auto racing; Sports - Soccer, wrestling, bullfighting, volleyball, surfing; Arts - silver work and ceramics)
- (Bolivia: Daily Life - much depends on the social class and regions including city life and subsistence farming;
School - Free and compulsory education for 6 - 13 year olds but not all rural children go. 4 year high school not
compulsory; Music - Charango and Zampona; Sports - soccer, wealthy folks play golf and tennis; Arts - festival masks and costumes) - (Chile: Daily Life - despite differences all Chileanos try to live with shared values and acceptance of one another; School - 8 years of free and compulsory education and 4 years of optional secondary; Music - La cuenca and Cumbia; Entertainment - Museums, clubs and festivals; Sports - Swimming, soccer, skiing; Arts - literature and poetry )
Understanding/Key Learning
- Create, present, and understand dialogs where students share information about food, drinks and meals.
- Locate the target countries on a world map and identify important locations by creating and labeling a map of these countries,
- Explore historical cultural differences between the target countries and the United States.
- Investigate daily life and current popular trends of adolescents in these countries.
Unit Essential Questions
- How do the people of Peru, Bolivia, and Chile communicate in basic conversational settings?
- Where are these countries located in relation to each other?
- What are some of the most important geographical aspects of these countries?
- What are some of the most important cultural aspects of these countries?
- What are some of the comparisons and contrasts between popular cultures of these countries and the United States?
Lesson Essential Questions
- Can students identify major cities and landmarks in these countries?
- Can students share information about typical foods and drinks?
- Can students identify historical and current cultural trends of these countries?
- Are students able to recognize the influence of indigenous and Spanish cultures in these countries?
Unit 8: Southeastern South America (Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay)
- Standards
- Know
- Understanding/Key Learning
- Do
- Unit Essential Questions
- Lesson Essential Questions
- Materials/Resources
- Vocabulary
- Assessment
ACTFL National Standards
- 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- 2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationships between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
Pennsylvania State Standards for World Language
- 2.1.1.S1.D - Use simple sentence and question structures in speaking and writing.
- 12.1.1.S2.A - Speak and model phrases and sentences with accepted pronunciation, rhythm and intonation with survival level skills.
- 12.1.S1.C - Recognize common vocabulary terms through listening and reading.
- 12.1.S1.D - Know simple sentence and question structures in order to communicate.
- 12.2.1.S 1.D - Use simple sentence and question structures to comprehend simple written sentences and conversations.
- 12.3.1.S2.A - Discuss the products and customs of the target culture in simple sentences in the target language.
- 12.3.1.S3.C - Read, interpret, discuss and write about cultural similarities and differences in specific social interactions in two cultures.
- 12.3.S2.C - Explain similarities and differences of daily activities between cultures.
- 12.5.S1.C - Know where the target language is spoken in the global community.
- Know basic Spanish conversational language. - Vocabulary for Holidays and Celebrations
- Know the location of the countries in the Southeastern part of South America on a world map and in relationship to one another.
- Know important geographical aspects of target countries. - Major Cities, Geographical Landmarks, Famous Tourist Sites.
- (Argentina: Capital - Buenos Aires; Geography - Southern Hemisphere with many varied land types; Tourist Attractions - Las Pampas, Mar del Plata, lguazu Falls)
- (Paraguay: Capital -Asuncion; Geography - Landlocked with many rivers; Tourist Attractions - Plaza de los Heroes, Chaco Lodge)
- (Uruguay: Capital - Montevideo; Geography - Southern Hemisphere, Small Country; Tourist Attractions - Punta del Este beach, Goiania del Sacramento)
- Know important cultural aspects of target countries. - History, Indigenous Groups, Holidays, Famous People, Climate, Food
- (Argentina: History - Gained independence in 1816, Many immigrants from Spain and Italy; Indigenous Peoples - Guaycuruan, Querande; Holiday - Fiesta de Milagros; Famous People - Writer Jorge Luis Borges and soccer Diego Marandona; Climate - Temperate zone, weather determined by region and elevation; Foods - Medialunas and Mate)
- (Paraguay: History - Explored by Sebastion Cabot and gained independence in 1811; Indigenous Peoples - Guaranf and Mestizo; Holiday - Feast of St. John; Famous People - Composer Jose Asuncion Flores and Writer Augusto Roa Bastos; Climate - Subtropical, Dry and Rainy seasons; Foods - Chipa Bread and Aratimbaipy)
- (Uruguay-History-Colonized by Magellan, Gained independence in 1828, tied to the U.K., France and Italy;
Indigenous People -Charrua, Guarani, Mestizo; Holiday -Carnival; Famous Person -Writer Jose Enrique Rod6 and Composer Gerando Matos Rodriguez; Climate -Pleasant temperate climate; Foods -Chivitos and Clerico)
- Know popular differences between target countries and the United States. -Daily Life, School, Music, Entertainment, Sports, Activities, Arts
- (Argentina: Daily Life -1/, live in the capital, Portfios ( city and immigrants and Gauchos rural cowboys) School -almost universal literacy, primary free and compulsory and secondary free but optional; Music -Tango; Entertainment -Beaches and Clubs, Argentinian Films; Sports -Soccer, Polo, Horse Racing, "Palo" local game; Arts -Literature, Dance, Film)
- (Paraguay; Daily Life -Family and God-family very important, less urban than other South American countries;
School -primary school is free and compulsory for 7 -13 year olds but drop-out rate is high; Music -Guaranfa, Galopa; Entertainment -Festivals, Sports and Motor Rallies; Sports -Soccer, Fishing, Tennis; Arts -Nandulf Lace, Orchestra) - (Uruguay: Daily Life -9/10 are urban, high standard of living; School -Free at all levels and compulsory from 6-11 years old; Music -Tango, contemporary Rock; Entertainment -Theatre and HOrse Racing; Sports -Soccer, Basketball, Rugby and Boxing; Arts -Dance, Theater, Sculpture)
Understanding/Key Learning
- Create, present, and understand dialogs where they share information about holidays and personal celebrations.
- Locate the target countries on a world map and identify important locations by creating and labeling a map of these countries.
- Explore historical and cultural differences between the target countries and the United States.
- Investigate daily life and current trends of adolescents in these countries.
Unit Essential Questions
- How do the people of Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay communicate in basic conversational settings?
- Where are these countries located in relation to each other?
- What are some of the most important geographical aspects of these countries?
- What are some of the most important cultural aspects of these countries?
- What are some of the comparisons and contrasts between popular cultures of these countries and the United States?
Lesson Essential Questions
- Can students identify major cities and landmarks in these countries?
- Can students share information about holidays and celebrations?
- Can students identify historical and current cultural trends of these countries?
- Are students able to recognize the influence of indigenous and Spanish cultures in these countries?