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College in High School Latin

Course Description

This course serves as an introduction to Latin poetry, where the student will apply a mastery of the Latin language in order to read selections from Vergil’s epic poem, The Aeneid. Complex grammar and vocabulary will continue to be stressed, specifically as they relate to the poem. Through reading the poem in both Latin and English, as well as learning to analyze Vergil’s stately dactylic hexameter, the student will gain an authentic understanding and appreciation for ancient Roman culture.

Course Big Ideas

  • Poetry Scansion in Dactylic Hexameter
  • The themes of epic poetry and its effect on Ancient Roman civilization
  • Translation of authentic Roman literature, The Aeneid by Vergil, from Latin into English
  • Advanced Vocabulary Recognition and Retention

Course Essential Questions

  • How does the meter of a poem influence the grammar and syntax of Latin?
  • What significance does the Aeneid hold for the culture of Ancient Rome?
  • How are the themes of fate, suffering, and the glory of Rome emphasized throughout the poem?

Course Competencies

  • Application of advanced and complex Latin grammar and vocabulary for written translation of authentic Latin literature.
  • Advanced vocabulary recognition and retention.
  • Reading for comprehension and analysis of content.
  • Cultural appreciation for epic poetry in Ancient Roman society.

Course Assignments

  • Teacher-produced formative assessments
  • University of Pittsburgh-provided summative assessments

Course Units