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Students posing for a photo during classroom lessons.

Central York School District takes pride in being a leader in technology integration within our classrooms and schools. Our district equips each student with a dedicated device tailored to their grade level or specific learning needs. Students in Kindergarten through Grade 8 receive their own iPad, while students in Grades 9-12 are provided with a MacBook. Furthermore, all our employees use MacBooks.

We employ various platforms that enable active parental engagement in their child's educational journey, including a Student Information System and Student Learning System.

The district boasts a dedicated team offering technology support, training, and assistance to students, faculty, staff, and administrators.

Essential Resources

Skyward Family Access Logo
Schoology Logo

Skyward is the District's Student Information System (SIS). It stores information that includes attendance history, grades, school reports, personal family information (address, phone, email, emergency contacts), and health information. Skyward is also used as a communications tool for teachers and administrators to send messages to families.

The Skyward username is automatically generated for families and is typically last name, first initial (eg: Chris Jones would be jonesc). Your Skyward account is created when enrolling your student.

Schoology is the District's Learning Management System (LMS). It is an extension of the physical classroom. Children access learning materials and show what they know in Schoology. Schoology gives them the ability to interact with their teachers and classmates.

Families use Schoology too. Important classroom and school information is found on the Welcome page and Family folder in a course. Families can see the things their child is doing and how they are progressing in school. 

Access Skyward for:

  • Messages
  • Attendance
  • Emergency Information
  • Schedule
  • Food Service
  • Academic History
  • Portfolio
  • Health Information

Access Schoology for:

  • Class Schedule
  • Curriculum Overview
  • Course Materials
  • Learning Artifacts
  • Mastery Gradebook

One to One Initiative

Our district provides each student with a dedicated device based on their grade-level or specific student learning needs. In addition, the district invests in shared devices and labs that enable additional learning opportunities as outlined below. These tools allow our students to access a variety of tools at their fingertips to support their learning and education. 

  • Kindergarten - Grade 8 - iPads
  • Grades 9-12 - MacBooks


Mr. Joseph Lucia
Director of Technology

Mr. Keith Bortner
Network Support Specialist

Additional Resources

HMH Math Program

Into Math Program Resources for grades K-7. Your student's login is needed to access. 

Student Resource Page

The Central York School District Student Resource Page.

Device Care and Maintenance

Tips and instructions for the care and maintenance of your student's iPad and or MacBook.

Online Safety ResourcesAccess a variety of online safety resources to guide parents and famlies, as well as a parental control app for your child's devices.