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Hope and Dream

Hayshire Happenings: Revisiting Hopes & Dreams 💭

Every school year at Hayshire begins with community building, identifying individual hopes and dreams, and creating classroom rules. Hopes & Dreams are goals that children want to accomplish during the school year. 

Coming back to school after winter break is an opportune time to revisit individual hopes & dreams. Each class reviews what has been accomplished. Children determine if their hope & dream has been accomplished and identify what they may want to do next. 

Hope and Dream

Kindergarten classrooms revisited their hopes & dreams as soon as they came back to school in January. They reflected on whether or not their hopes and dreams came true. Many of the children DID accomplish their goals from the beginning of the year.

Children in Mrs. Katz's class read their hopes & dreams. They gave a thumbs up if they accomplished their goal. Nevaeh's hope & dream did not come true. Her goal was to become a teacher. She is not yet a teacher, but is learning the things she needs to become one! 

Hope and Dream

Many children created new hopes and dreams for the second half of the school year. They are excited to learn and grow! Take a look at some hopes & dreams created by children in Mrs. Katz, Mrs. Harvey, & Mrs. Rankin's classrooms! 

Hope and Dream


Hope and Dream


Hope and Dream


Hope and Dream


Hope and Dream



Hope and Dream


  • Hayshire Elementary