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Hayshire Happenings: Fun First Day 2024

Hayshire Happenings: Fun First Day 2024

Today was the first day of school. Staff members were happy to see children from last year and to greet children who were new to Hayshire. 

The first day of school is always exciting. Children in first, second, and third grade spent the day with their classmates and teachers.

This year, there are staff members who were new to Hayshire. We are so glad they are part of our community.

Hayshire cooks served up a tasty meal. They enjoyed serving breakfast and lunch to the children. 

Teachers and children worked hard and began building positive, caring, safe classroom communities. They will learn about each other and learn how to work together.


Kindergarteners had orientation with their parents/caregivers. The families learned about their classroom, their teacher, and their classmates. 

Children made new friends. They played outside. The first day at Hayshire was positive! It's going to be a great year. 



  • Hayshire Elementary