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Hayshire Happenings: Authors of Personal Narratives πŸ“

Hayshire Happenings: Authors of Personal Narratives πŸ“


We were writing a personal narrative about a time we tried hard. We wrote personal narratives because we were reading personal narrative stories. 

It took us two months to write and publish our stories. We started by brainstorming times we tried hard. Gabby chose to write about the time she did a back handspring, Aria chose to write about a time she cleaned her whole closet. Oliver chose how he learned multiplication and division.


We started writing notes about what happened in the beginning, middle and end. This is called pre-writing. 

We took our notes and turned it into a story. It started with an introduction that included who, what, where, and when. We wrote the middle, which was the longest part of the story, and we ended with a feeling sentence, aka a closing.

After the draft, we revised using a red pen. We decided what we wanted to add and what we wanted to cross out. 

Then we peer conferenced. Our partner shared something they liked about our story and something we can add to the story. Then they read the story and we did the same thing. 


We edited the story. We even used the dictionary app to spell words if we weren’t sure how to spell them. 

We conferenced with the teacher. She helped us fix the story to make it better. She told us about the rubric and helped us fix the mistakes.

We went into Schoology so we could type our stories. Our teacher checked them. We got to choose our font and color. Our teacher printed out stories.

Our stories are in the hallway for everybody to enjoy. We feel happy that we made our footsteps story. We feel proud that people can see our hard work.


By: Aria, Gabby, Oliver

Children reading


  • Hayshire Elementary