Hayshire Happening: Bowling 🎳
We always jog first in gym class because it lets us have fun and work out. We jog for like one or two minutes.
After jogging we bowl. In bowling, we learned the three-step approach. The three-step approach is you have a ball in your hands. You step with your opposite foot, you walk, and then you roll the ball.
When we roll the ball we try to get all the pins down. If we get them all on the first try, it’s a strike. If we get it on the second try, it’s called a spare.
Yesterday we practiced the three step approach. Today we practiced again. We even practiced using a couple of pins! We will get to use all ten pins later this week. We are bowling and using teamwork!
Katherine said, “This is like training!”
By: Thiago
- Hayshire Elementary