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Comprehensive & Strategic Plan

Students pose for the camera during class. one gives a thumbs up

The Pennsylvania Department of Education and Pennsylvania School Code requires school districts to complete a Comprehensive Planning Process. This plan comprises district goals, accomplishments, and areas of concern, with action plans and implementation steps outlined to support those initiatives. This data-driven process allows school districts to collaborate, plan activities, and allocate resources towards a shared vision. 

In addition to the Comprehensive Plan which provides an actionable process for academic-related goals, the District also completes a Strategic Plan that expands beyond that to include:

  • Teaching and Learning
  • Student Progress and Engagement
  • Finance and Operations

Questions related to the District's Comprehensive and Strategic Plan should be directed to Kevin Youcheff Ed. D., Assistant Superintendent at

Kindergarten Student shows off her Stony Brook ROAR T-Shirt

Mission, Vision, & Core Values

Our Mission
Central York School District provides a high-quality academic experience within a supportive, valued, collaborative community that promotes students' personal growth and the pursuit of their passions and interests.

Our Vision
Pursuing Excellence: 
All Panthers. Every Day. In All Ways.

Our Core Values
Character, Perseverance, Accountability, Community, Excellence

2022-2025 Plan Goals

Explore the Areas of Focus, Goals, and Outcomes for our 2022-2025 Comprehensive/Strategic Plan below. 

Teaching and Learning

Student Progress and Engagement

Finance and Operations


Downloadable resources related to our 2022-2025 Comprehensive/Strategic Plan

2022-25 Comprehensive Plan

2022-25 Strategic Plan Booklet

2022-25 Strategic Plan One Page