Comprehensive & Strategic Plan
The Pennsylvania Department of Education and Pennsylvania School Code requires school districts to complete a Comprehensive Planning Process. This plan comprises district goals, accomplishments, and areas of concern, with action plans and implementation steps outlined to support those initiatives. This data-driven process allows school districts to collaborate, plan activities, and allocate resources towards a shared vision.
In addition to the Comprehensive Plan which provides an actionable process for academic-related goals, the District also completes a Strategic Plan that expands beyond that to include:
- Teaching and Learning
- Student Progress and Engagement
- Finance and Operations
Questions related to the District's Comprehensive and Strategic Plan should be directed to Kevin Youcheff Ed. D., Assistant Superintendent at
Mission, Vision, & Core Values
Our Mission
Central York School District provides a high-quality academic experience within a supportive, valued, collaborative community that promotes students' personal growth and the pursuit of their passions and interests.
Our Vision
Pursuing Excellence:
All Panthers. Every Day. In All Ways.
Our Core Values
Character, Perseverance, Accountability, Community, Excellence
2022-2025 Plan Goals
Explore the Areas of Focus, Goals, and Outcomes for our 2022-2025 Comprehensive/Strategic Plan below.
Teaching and Learning
Student Progress and Engagement
Finance and Operations
Downloadable resources related to our 2022-2025 Comprehensive/Strategic Plan