Facility Rental Information
Central York School District facilities are available for use by outside organizations and for special events and activities with approval by the CYSD Board of School Directors.
The CYSD School Board of Directors shall determine whether the use is subject to a rental fee, along with the amount of said fee. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all requests and to suspend the charges and conditions for use of facilities in specific instances as they deem necessary.
Any group or organization that utilizes district facilities shall be financially responsible and will be required to pay for any damages to the district's equipment, supplies, buildings, or grounds as a result of the activity.
Requests for the use of any facility must be submitted, in writing, to the district at least forty-five (45) days prior to the anticipated date of the anticipated use.
Please click the links below to view the Rental Policies, Conditions, and Rates, and to download and complete the Rental Request Form.