Pursuing Excellence:
All Panthers. Every Day. In All Ways.
Hayshire Elementary School
all day
North Hills Elementary School
all day
Central York Middle School
Educational Service Center
Educational Service Center
Sinking Springs Elementary School
all day
Hayshire Elementary School
Educational Service Center
Educational Service Center
all day
Stony Brook Elementary School
all day
Stony Brook Elementary School
Educational Service Center
Hayshire Elementary School
Sinking Springs Elementary School
all day
all day
Sinking Sprins Elementary School
North Hills Elementary School
Friendship Day is a February staple event for our elementary schools here at Central York.
North Hills wrapped up their One School One Book community book read with a Family Literacy Night!
The middle school students took to the courtyard to toast s’mores as part of their heat transfer lab.
Hayshire Happenings: If We Were 100 Years Old π΅π½
Check out our Superintendent's monthly message to the Central York Community.
Hayshire Happenings: Green Circle π’